PROM THE LONDON CASETTE, FEBRUARY 23. Partnerships Dissoloatt.--Gleme,Chatberton, and Co., and Chatterton and Broad- bent, Stockport, Cheshire, maclinista—Prowse and Gervis, Millbrook, Cornwall, "traeons—.1. E. and S. Crofts, Leicester,, box-manufacturers—M.A. and E. Seale, Oxford Street, milliners—G. and R. Kent, Byley-cum-Yatehouse, Cheshire, farm- em—R. Ramsey and 11.„ Ramsey jun. Tweedmouth, Berwick-upon-Tweed, iron-
felmdersa-3, and B. Bnidford, Yorkshire, wool-etteplers—Thoriey and
-Cooke, Congleton, silk-manufacturers—Wilma and Riley, Rippondea, Yorkshire, silk-waste-dressers—Hamer and Edwards, Chekenldiun, drapers—askinsonand Co. Sheffield, mercers ; as far as regards W. Atkinson—Cotta, Great George Street, Westminster, and Banbury, Old Jewry Chambers, eagineers—R. and .1. Briggs, Stonefold, -Haelingden, and elsewhere,. Laninahire, mattonsmanufacturers—B and Bianchi, Birmingham and London,- hardware-merchants—Firth and 'Co. mersal, dyers—Bonacini and Co. Newcastle-upon-Tyne and North Shields, shipbrokers—Offor end Gammen, New. City C,liambere, Bistemsgate -Street Within, in- suracee-brokem-Trinder and Co. llirnausghain, commiasicuisagents—Fieeh and 'Co. Cambridge, bitildersSeriven and 'Watkins, Salisbury, miRiners--Ginson and Co. Red Street, Staffordshire. earthenware-manufacturers. and Chesterton, brick- manufacturers • as far as regards T. Emberton—latanning and Meekness, Vine Street, Piccadilly, publicans—Neall and Sibley, patent gas-stove-manufacturers-- Barnard and Son,Northampton, tailore—CrabtreeaneiCo. Bradford, Yorkshire, ma- chine-makers—Ward and Holt, Northallerton, diapers—Sawyer and Groves, Westow Hill,Dpper Norwood, coffee-house-keepers—Duun and Co. 'Great Win- chester Street, railway-agents ; as far as regards -W..13. Hall—Kelly and Evans, contractors—J. and C. Russell, Godalming, bargemasters—Trayes and Co:Cardiff ; as far as regards I'. Trayes and D. Jones--Jenkins and Co. Cardiff—The lkoyal Vic- toria Tea Company's London, andffebrooghare Upper Assam, East Indies.- Bankruptcy Ansulled..—Roaner Bummer, Hoyton, Lancashirescottonespinners Bankrupts.—Joaaea Moses, Newnhaml Street, Goodman's Fields, maratfacturor, to surrender March 1, 30: solicitors, Sole and Co. Aidermanbury ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street. • Witrasa Besmear and Joan PICARD, Mark Lene .qhambers and Old-Corn Ex- change. corn-factors, March 10, April 14 : solicitors, M'Leod and5tennirsg.Lon- don Street, Fenehurch Street ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildliall•Chambers. TacmaxMconasmons, Maidstone, ciarrier,Mereh 6, April-12 : solicitorsralonek- ton and Co. Gray!a Inn ;' Goedwin, Maiastone; alficialessiguee,Nicholson, Basing. ball Street.
Thomas Gamma Gallants, Midford Place, and Tendon Street, Tottenham'Court Road, and Birmingham, brush-board-manufacturer, March 6, April 1.2 : solicitors, Flux and Arglees Cheapside ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers. Ions Trentairsiltrood, Kent, is-on-founder, March 4, April 8: solicitor, Warrand,
Bash:when Street ; official assignee, Bell. Coleman Street Buttdine• ' • Joan PACE, Hythe. Kent, grocer,1Slarch 4, April& : solicitor, ,Batho, America Square.; official assignee, Johnson,-Rasingliall Street: ADOLP/IVS ACKERMAN, Beaufort Building's Strand, printseller, March 4„ April 3: solicitor's, Wootton and Son, Tokeithouse 'Yard ; official assignee, Lee;
manbury. - • . • . Ostassze Wages, Willingale,Spain, Essex, .poulterer, March 11, April 13: solid- tar, Preston, Broad Street Buildings ; official assignee, Edward's Baeuighallatreet. HENRY MARTIN HADLOFF, Peckham Grove, Camberwell, oil-reaoor, March 11, April 13 : solicitor, Lea, Bucklersbury ; official aseignee,Edwarde, Basinghill Street.
HENRY' Joan Can-re, Farnham, linensdmper, March 5, April 9 : solicitors, As- hurst and Co. Ohl ;env; raffic4.1,assigacte, Whitmore, Brodughall Street. SAMUEL &sissy, Tipton, =lister, Mdreb:11, April- 1 : solicitors, James and Knight, Birmingham ; official assignee; Whitmore, Birmingham.
Jonas BEnree, Weethromwirsh. timber-merchant, March 8, 20 : solicitors. Cad- dick, Westbrornwich ; James and Knight,' Birniingham ; official assignee, Whit- more, Birmingham. ,
Jowl fiesmox, Hereford, corn-factor, March 6, Aiwa 3: solicitors,- Pritchard, Hereford ; Suckling, Birmingham ; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham.
Jones Dussross •Wolverhampton, grocer, March 8,291 solicitors. Hayes. Wolver- hampton.; „Hodgson and Allen.Birmingluans official swag. Whitmore, Birmingham. Jesse"( SMALLWOOD. Paawas, Oldbury, Worcestershire, wine-merehant, March 10, 29: solicitors, Hayes and Wright, Oldbury ; Hodgson and Allen, Birmingham ; official assignee, Kinnear, Birmingham. HENRY Remmers Nottingham, plumber, March 16, April 1: solicitors, Bewley and Ashwell, Nottingham; official assignee, Harris, Nottingham.
Sairroes-Sanaanse and JAMES Leerms Bristol, printers, March 8, Apra 9: so-
licitors, Abbott and Co. Bristol official assignee, Miller, Bristol. - &mum Beedat, Bristol, timber-merchant, March 9, April 9: solicitors, Savery and Co. Bristol; official assignee; Aeraman, Bristol. • Ticomas Parses, Llanrabon and Cwmbach. Glamorgenshire, grocer, March 9, April 13 : solicitors, Leman and Humphrys, Bristol; official assig. Acraman, WILLIAM. Las, Exeter, grocer, March 4, 25: sokeiter, Flea, Exeter; official as- eignee, Flirted, Exeter. NVILLIA11 HARMER, 'Dunnin,n, Yorkshire, inn-keeper, March 15, April i2: soli- citors, Mann, York ; Clarke, Leeds; official assignee, Hope, Leeds. JosEen GALLOWAY jun. Bradford, Yorkehire, cloth-manufacturer, March 16,-April 13 : solicitors, Bentley and Wood, or Terry and Co. Bradford; Cariss and Cudworth, Leeds ; Official assignee: Hope, Leeds. • •
CALEBGr realms Chesterfield. draper, Much 5,27; solicitors, Smith and33urde- kin, Sheffield m 'official assignee, 13rewin Sheffield. Roamer ?theorems Sheffield, edge-slit-manufacturer, Mardi 6, April 10 : solici- tor. !fawns Sheffield; official assignee,- Brewin, Sheffield. • GEORGE HULETT St. Helen's, Lancashire, irori-founder,Mareh 5,29: solicitors, Evans, and SonsIayerpools Barrow, St. Helen's; official aegis. Morgan, LiverpooLS WILLLLM IIPItY Destining; Preston and Garstang, Lancashire, grocer, March 5, 26: -solicitors; Cunliffe and Watson,- Preston • Gnmdy, Manchester; officialessig-
pee, .Harnaman, Manehesters . , Bertram= liamrsces, Manchester, stationer, March 8,-29 f.sallaihara. Cluninlan
and Roberts.sklanchester ; official assignee, Pat, Manchester. • Dividenati.—Mitreb 19, Sieldmann, Gutter Lane, Cheapside aid Adelaide Road 'North. Si. :John's Wood, lace-manufacturer—March 19, Readtvin, Winchester, Great Winchester ,Streets dealer in shares—March Fit, Tete and' Bryan, Deere Street,' Westminster. and elsewhere, army-contractors—March 'Ls-Smith, union Street, Southwark, strawshatsmanufacturer—March 19,- ChapPin, Tring, HertfOrdaliire, hat-Manufactnrer—MarebS16, Hoyle; ,Vale Mill, Bacup, and Ilan- heater cotton-spinner—March TI, Bower,. Seaford, 13taffordstdre, and Manches- ter, baker—March 23,Bobley and Briggaellottingliana. lace-manufaeturerressMarch 24, Conduit, New Lenten, Nottingluunslure, lace-maker—March 30, Smith, Derby, fron-merelnint—liferdh 23; Roberts,' Lelaeliter, bookseller—March 25, - Bontolts-Bos-
too, boOkseller—March 25, Farnsworth, Meaner, Derhyrihire, Lee. cromfard, Derbyshire, ;currier.-,March -Polak.. Birmingham, ,pieteleestfleiriers,
.March 30, Whitehead,. Leicester. .inc-keepers-March 18,, WitherssIdanadeld, Not- tinghanishire, miller—March 30, ClarkeS,Lelsester, batter—March •18,. Walton, Wolverhampton, fadtor--Miusdi 25, TalbattsLydriess Olouceitersbire;iron-founder ..Midreh W.:Simard, Bristol, Ind Keensllain, Somereetabire, Was lianisSifolyhead, iron-founder—March 18.14sunont,Liverpool5 merelmots—SAisreh 19, Kegg, Liverpool and Birkenhead, coal-dealer—March 19, Sharp, Birkenhead and
Liverppol, merchant.. . • •
Certificates to he granted,uniess CAUde be shame to; the contrary On tfles$A4s01 Oreeting.—alarch 19, Buckn ell, Sahhofi's ;Lane. Lime-Imam. currier—March 14, Brit- ten, Noble Street, Falcon Square, and Park RoadSDalston, dealer in silk beads-, -March 15, Catt and Callen, shower .Shadwell, 'beer-merchants—liareh 1$4- Risher, Kilburn, butcher—March 19, Tyrrell., Tuaihridge, factor—March 14, Dime. Owl- eery Lane, builder-Litiarch-17-, Ilopperten, Olford Street, lacemen--Marqh 57, Herta, HaddenhaniS Isle of Ely, 'machine-maker—March 22, Parsons, .9 Somersetehire„ ironmonger-4024h 17; Robinson, Manchester, Ironmonger—March 16, Hancock, Manchester. bailders-Mareli 17, Clark, Manchester, ironmongers. March 19,, „rghpon, Lecaongey Mill, Lichfield, svoratedsspinner—March titsM•gan, Kingeton,liiiefoldshire; itroP-4-ee
IP et.'
Deelarnanna of Binldetuds.—b uddimaii, Northampton, shoe-insorufactiireil;''hae cond div. of 1018, ally,Titursday litansfeld, Baainghuil Stireetternby.f.Hisibsni Stertfiar -grocer ; first etiv.. ,-Is, any Thursday ; Seseetaid, •Baaiegiball Manatee, Carter, 'Worthing, tallOS; ilist:diV. of sa. any Wedueaselay., Whitmore, Thwinge hall Street.Liwelock -and Forster, Dowgitte and 'Streatham, Indiasnarber- manufacturers ; second div. of 3d. tray Wednesday ; Whitleore, Ban/labell Street— Starling, Crnoesby, liorfelk, gamer; Rmt, die, of LOW. Wednesday next, and three subsequent Wednesdays; Edwards, liasingtell Streatsskiall. Albemarle. Street, poulterer ; first div. of 4s. 3d. Wednesday next, and three ealssequent Wednesdays Edwards, Flaminghall-Streets.-Beadshiew andeollinsdne "Burnley, mitten-nielitrfac- Omens; flrst div. of 24.10jd. ontbe anPunktie.cetatesit A., callinson,end first dir. DI IsS2Sd. on the separate estate of 0:Bradshaw, any Tuesday; liernaman, Mancbees ter ; Liversiedge, EckIngton, 'irtntecrit div. of 24. id. any-Tuesday; •Hrewin, Sheffield—WollasWn. iBishapar Ossterseanopabtre, surgeon; first div. of 4jd. any Friday; Whitmore, BirealetgbaM-'-alascall, .Welverhampion, grocer; first div. of lljd. any Thuredas ; Kinnear, Birmingham—Duckleissiarmanghans, builder ; first die. of 414 any Thursday ; Kinnear, -13ieminghana—trow-ning, Hereford, victualler; first-div. of Id. any Thursday ; Kinnear, Eirmingleace-eElgroad, Leicester, merchant ; third die, of 3‘1.1deadaynext, andiame following Mondays ; •Harrirs-Ntittingham- Lawton, Liverpool, auctioneer; senandand 'final die. of 5jd. Itiferelsktir any sob'.
Sequent Wednesday ; at Liverpool: •
, Scotch Sequestrations.-M'Callutu, Cowdenbeath, grocer, March 3-Mitchell, Glasgow, hosier, March 2-Morrison, Glasgow, stay-maker, March 2-Kent, Jed- burgh, money-scrivener, March 1-Kuox, Edinburgh, tea-merchant, Feb. 27-Muir, Arbroath, flax-spinner, March 3-Mitchell, Dundee, grocer, March 3-Brown, Glasgow, slate-merchant, Feb. 26-11•CaII, Greenock, grocer, Feb. 27-Morrison, Edinburgh, smith, Feb. 27-J. and A. Findlay, Aberdeen, watch-makers, March 2.
PROM THE 'LONDON GAZETTE; FEBIWARY 26. • • Partnerships Dissoleed.-Munro and Co. Swansea, 'tiniber-merchants-Williams and Co. Neath, timber-merchants-Grant and Co. Cardiff, and Grant, Brothers, Newport, timber-metebatits-Reddish and CO. Idancbeeter, druggists-Harris and Dearden, Brighouse, Yorkshire, cotton-doublers-The Khklese Hall Coat. Com- pany ; as far as regards R. Laurie-O. and N. Scott, Bury and. Ramsbottom, Lan- cashire, rope-menufacturens-Chilton and Co. Sheffield, tailors-J, and T. Baker, Rochdale, iron-founders-Fentun and :Walker, .11anley, Staffordshire, chemists- Linglisun, Brothers, Worcester and Birmingham; irouniongeni-'lonks and Co. Birmingham; chandelier-miumfaentrers ;•- MI fa t 'Its 'regard e S. Tonks-J. and A. Stainsby, Tachbrook Street, Pinilieci, photographic artists-W. abut M. Dane, Tavistock,Devonshire, grocers-Edgar and Co. NVest Craudingtou, Northumber- land, grocers-Shackleton and Horseman, Leeds, corn-millersCottier and Cook, Liverpool, shipwrights-Casa and Griffiths, Chester, grocers-J. and II. J. Parker,
• New Sleiford, Lincolnshire, coach-linilders-Leale and Albracht, Lichfield Street, • Soho, copper-smiths-Thompson and Walker, Wakefield, or elsewhere, worsted- spinners-Clarke and Somerset, Southampton, shin-chandlers-Jenkins and Mose- • ley, Nertonfolgnte, eigar-manufaeturers-Rees and Greenbalgh, Uniou Street, " Southwark, silk-manufacturers--Fisher and Co; Bath, painters-Little and Glower. Sunderland, and Glover and Little, West Ilattlenool, drapers-Wilson and Greswes, . ManeheSter, cotton-warp-sizers-Tyler and Ward, Bath Street, Neergate Street, ' and Reading, stay-niannfactnrers-G. A. and D. A. Di Demetrio; London, Trieste, and Alexandria,-lioskin and Tucker. Plymouth, boot-makers-Hensell and Gibson, Simderland, ship-brokers-Stiminers.and Co. Bithop's)Stortford, auctioneers.
• Bankruptcies Annulled.--:-Itoorwr Lees, Oldham, eOtton,spiuner.
'James Ssurrn, Lowestoft; brick-maker. • -
Berekrffrifs.-GentroE 'Et-Entre I..ter, Colcheiter, Manure-merchant, to surrender March 10, April 14: solicitor. Tarrant, Bond CourC.-Walbrook ; official assignee, NIch&son, Basieghall Street, .. . - r • ' 110011K MX AP.K.14.63, lateof -Mark Lizie:Mal CM-het Court, City, ship-broker, March 8, April 14: solicitor, Hutchineon, Barnard,* inn, 110160111; official assignee, Pen-
nell; Guildhall Chambers. • - , • • - - -
411CIUDALD Artrircur COErETt, Wineliester lIouse, OM Broad Street, East India merchant, March 5, April 13: Solieltues, Marten and•Co. Mincing Lane ; official as-
signee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Strest.. . CRARLES TillIoDoRN BAsNEE., Moor Termee; New Peckhein, haberdasher, March
9, April 14; solicitor, Ohidley, Booinghall Street; official assignee, Seansfeld,
Basingball Street. • ' - - -
ED2,117ND Yr.:reeve WATirs, Hemel Hempstead, plumber, March 12, April 13; solicitor, Buchanan, Basing-hall Street ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street.
TUOKAS YOUNG, Hampton Terrace,' Hampstead 'Road, china-dealer, March 16, April 13: solicitor, Weig,btman, Basinghall, Street ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street.
WILLIAW IlEsur ONEnRis, Princes Street, Cavendish Square, silversmith, March ' 9,-April 8: solicitor, M•Dulf, Holborn; officint assignee, Johnson, Haeinghall Street. 7I1.11.4.11 LEWIS, Tipton,- victualler, March II, April 1: solicitor, Marshall, Bir- thingham ; official assignee:, Kinurear, BintiNebam.
BENEV CRANE, Wolverhampton, ii on-founder, March 10, 29: solicitors, Deaken and Dent, Wolverhampton; James and. Knight, Birmiughana; official assignee, • Whitmore, Birmingham. -
. JoHN POWELL, Aston, Warwickshire, awt-bladeananufacturer, March- 13, April 8: solicitors, Barlow% Birmingliain ; official assignee,: Whitmore, Birmingham. Tno3tAs °Knorr., "leaner, Derbyshire, grocer. March 18, April 6: solicitor, Sol-
• tory, Nottingham ; official assignee, Harris, Nottingham.
Joan .01:mos, Weymouth and Melcombe Regis, Dersetshire, coal-merchant, March-10, 81: solicitor, Terrell. Exeter : official assignee, Ilirtzel, Exeter. Joan DOMINT, Genie Ahhae,-Derset6hire, fell-mongor, March 10, 31: solicitors,
• Mardietel. and Andrews, Dorchester; Stogdon, Exeter ; official assignee, Ilirtzel, ' Eieter. ' ' •
TimAtis and BERNARD INGLEDEW, Middlesborough,Torkshire, coal- fitters. March 12, April 9: solicitors, Newsim arid Brewster, Middlesborough; Tiplady, Durham ; - Bond-and Barwick, Leeds ; Cariss and Cudworth, Leeds ; official assignee, Young, Meth...
. WHA.Ltst norms, Wilsden, Yorkshire, worsted-spinner, March 23, April 20:
• solicitors, Terry and Co. Bradford; Bond and Barwick, Leeds ; official assignee; Hope, Leeds. '
- - NATHANIEL Homers, Sheffield. .joiner; March 13, April 10; solicitor, Broadbent,
Sheffield ; .official assignee, Brewm, Sheffield. • .
' JoesEEn and. JAMES WAITAISTOn, NeWeastie-upon-Tyne, smiths, March 5, April 9-;, Charters, Newcaitle-upon-Tyne ; Has-stood, Clements Lane, Lombard Street ; official assignee, Baker, Neweastle-upon-Tyne.
Ramtnr Ilvoir GILL, Hartlepool; 'inn-keeper, March n, April 9: eolicitors, Forster, Newcastle-on-Tyne; • Turnbull, Hartlepool.; official assignee, Baker, New-
' castle-upon-Tyne. . .
SAALUEL BVCRLET, Ashton-under-Lyne, joiner, March 9, 80: solicitor, 'Gartside, Aehton=under-Lyne ; official assignee, Fraser; Manchester.
. ROBERT GORDOn, 'Heaton-Berns, Lancashire, iron-founder, March 8, April 14: solicitors, Cooper and Sons, Manchester ; Mfleiallatignee, Fraeer,' Mancheater. . '• irptItt WILILLNAON, Newton Moor, Hyde. Cheshire, card-maker, March 16; April • 8: eolicitors Sale and Co. Mafhester ; Ainsworth and Co- Blecklvaru. ; official as- - signse;Heniaman, Manchester. .
Tnothus EDWARDS, Manchester, cabinet-maker, March 13, April 1: solicitor, Hardman, Manchester; official assignee, lIernainan, Manchester.
' VERNCLY BARDING, Liverpool, ironmonger, March 19, April 11 tilicitor, Ewer, - Liverpool; official assignee, Bird, Liverpool. , ... - .
• ' Jonte BEW, Manchester, druggist, '11kieh 18, April 8: solicitors, Sale and Co.
• Manchester; official assignee, Hernanian, Manchester. .
• -2Htidends.-March 20, Chamberlayne and Williams, Cumberland Street, Port- ' man Square, coach-niakers-March 19, Stone, Oxford, hotel-keeper-March 19, Weits,-Swaffbam, Norfolk, etationer-Alarch 19, Royal British Rank, South Sea ROW% Threadneedle Street, and elsen-here--Ittltreh' 17, Rower,, Bastard, Stafford- shire, hanker-March 22, Croudson, Wigan, scrivener-March 26.- Ilastoiv, Man-
- Chester, mereer-March 19, Brown, • thinderland, rope-manufacturer-March 19,
• Chapman, Hartlepool, grocer-March 26, Smyth-, Swansea, draper. ' certificates to he granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of _ meetiny.-March 19, Taylor, Lower Thaines,Street, wine-merchant-Marcb 19, If ustwitt, 'Wilson Street, Finsbury,. linen-draper,--Maroh 19, 'Bakei,- Northtfeet, Rent, hotel-keeper-March 23, Farnan, Mincing Lane, indigo-broker-March 29, ' Sto::e. Qgeord, hotePkeeper -.April 12, Fortern Fr me' Selwood, wool-stapler- - Mardi 19, Chapman, Hartlepool; giocer.ullarch 2 Tspseett, Liverpool, ship- broker-March 22, Brown, Manchester, dim-Met-A ril 16,• Evans, Lorignm, Staf-
• fordshire, grocer-Niarch 19, Taylor„, Birmingham paper-dealer-March 19, Sao- • some, Coventry, riband-manufacturer-March 19. *Young, Bilston, Staffordshire; roll-turner-March 19. Watkinson and Ifickins, Kidderuninster, wool-staplers. Declarations of Diridends.-Dowbesr, Bristol, colourmari ; dir. of 7s. any Wed-
• nesday ; Acraman, Bristol-Merry, Bostol, grocer ; div. of 12s. any Wednesday ;. Acnunan, Bristol. . . . •
• • Seotch 8equestrations.--Roy, Kincardine; Perthshire, merchant, March 5-Whyte, ' Milnathort, saddler, March 5-Taylor,. Kirklutilloch, grocer, March 5-Hunter, ' Glasgow, row-feeder, March 5-Begg, Glasgow, West India merchant, March 3-2 'Hutton, Glasgow, ship-broker, March 4. • • .