Wasi•Dieren, pall Mall, Feb. 23.—Cavalry-5Sb (sr Royal Irish) 31.egt. Of Drags. 'S—Major-Gen, Sir J. 43. Chatterton, Bart. to be Col. -
18th. Light Drags.—Major-Gen. E. Byam to be Col; Atesusrauda.—Major-General Sir J. C. Claatterton, Bart. has repaid the diffbrenee between the full price of a Cavalry and Infantry Lieut.-Coloneley, which he received on exchanging from the 4th Drag. Gtutrds to half-pay Unatt. on the 3d of Oct. 1848. Major-Gen. E. Byam has paid the difference between the full price of a Cavalry . and Infantry Lieut.-Colonelcy, he having been upon half-pay of Infantry when pro- moted to the rank of Major-Gen.
Royal Bugitieers—Capt. J. Cameron to be Lieut.-Col. vice Lugard, dec. ; Second Capt. W. Tyler, on the Seconded List, to be Capt. ; Second Captain J. C. Black- . wood De Butts to be Capt. vice Cameron ; Lieut. A. Leahy to be Second Capt. vice Be Butts.
Brevet.—The undermentioned officers of the Royal Artillery, having 'completed- three years' actual service in the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, to he Coloneleinthe Army, under the Royal warrant of the ad November 1854—Lieut.-Col. -C. J. 'Wright ; Lieut.-Col. G. A. F. Be Riney.
WAR OFFICE, Pau. Mars., Feb. 26.—Beeeet.—Bnevet-Co1. J. H. Grant, K.C.B. of the 9th Light Drags. to be Major-General in the Amity.
ORSICE, PALL Maus Feb. 26.—Cavalsw-2d Regt. of Life Guards—H. .P. Ewart, Gent. to be Cornet and Sub-Lieut. by,purchase, vice Ron. 84. H. Idostyn, who retires.
5th Drag. Guards—W. M. N. Kington, Gent. to be Cornet, without 'purchase. 6th Drag. Guards—Cornet W. G. Blake, from the 2d Drags, to be Lunt. -hy: par- chase, vice Binder, whose promotion, on the 2d of Feb. has been cancelled. let Drage.-0. Hall, Gent, to be Cornet, without purchase. 2d Drags—Breset-Lieut-CoL G. C. Clarke to be Major, without purchase, vice
Sulivan, promoted in the 5th light Drags.4th Light Drags.—Lieut. G. W. Hunt to be Capt. without purchase, Tice Brevet- Major Portal, promoted in the 5th Light Drags.
6th Drags.—Cornet W. H. Weldon to be Lieut. by purchase, viral Lova% pro- scotch; J. Hardy, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice 'Weldon. - 9th Light Drags.—P. H. C. Crofton, Gent, to be Cornet, without purchase. . 13th Light Drags.—Caat. Dearden, from half-pay 13th Light Drags. to'be Capt. vice Brevet-Major .Ienyns, promoted inthe 18th Light Drags.; A. J. 'Ealing, Gent. to be Cornet, without purchase, vice Trash:Inn, promoted; R. 8, L. Wilma, Gent. to be Cornet without purchase vice W. N. Carleton, appointed , to the 9th Light . .
15th Light Drags.—Capt. T. B. Crawley to be Major, without purchase 'vice Knox, promoted in the 18th Light Drags. ; Lieut. W. E. Stuart to be Capt. without purchase, vice Crawley' Cornet E. Buckley to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Shunt; Ensign W. T. E. Bentincilt, from 57th Foot, to be Cornet, payiegsthe difference.
16th Light Drags.—A. J. B. Fellowes, Gent, to be Cornet, without purchase, sire Stoodleyspromoted.
Infautry—Coldstream Guards—Assists-Saw. J. Wyatt to be Battalion-Snrg. vice Skelton, deceased ; the promotion not to carry pay Prior to 24th January.
24 -Regt. of Foot—Ensign .f. J. Armstrong has been superseded, being absent without leave.
adFoot—Brevet-Major R. Daly, from half-pay of the Royal Mil Col. to be Capt.; Lieut. Jen. Meade to be Capt. without purchase; Lieut. T. R. Hamilton, from 85t1 Foot, to be Capt. 'without purchase.
5th Foot—Ensign G. A. Shegog to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Cook, whose transfer from the 21st Foot has been cancelled; C. Williams, Gent. te, be Ensign, witgli=s4rehase, vicelierria, promoted ; D. G. Pitcher, Gent, to be Ensign, with-
out vice Shegog.
Foot—To be Captains, without purchase---Lieut. W. G. Annesley, vice Staun- ton, dec. ; Lieut. R. H. Goodwin,. vise Etrevet-Major Mansergh, promoted in Ike 15th Foot. TO he Lieutenants, without purchase—Ensign D. IC. Evans, vice An- nesley ; Ensign J. G. Cockburn, vice Goodwin. To be Ensigns, -without purchase —M. Molony, Gent. 'Moe Evans; P. A.. Howley, vice Cookburn. To be Assistant- Surgeon—Assist-Surg. B. C. Kerr, from thaStati.
llth Foot—Brevet-Col. J. C. Harold to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase ; Brevet- Major A. F. J enner to be Major, without purchase' Lieut. H. C. Hague to be Capt.. without purchase; Ensign W. Norman to be Lieut without purchase.
12th Foot—Lieut. .1. F. Bweeney-to be Inetructor of Musketry.
16th Foot—To be Capts. without purchase—Lieut. W. 0. Bancroft, vise Brevet' Major Henderson, promoted ; Lieut. A. P. Douglas, vice Brevet-Major Lucas,
promoted. To be Lieuts. without p ' urchase—Ensign A. Gibson, vice Bancroft ; 'Ensign W. R. W. Lee, vice Douglas. To be Ensigns without purchase—G. .Whitlava, 13ent. vice Oibsim; C. 3. Home, Gent. vice Lee.
• 89th Foot—Limits W.-de We Roche Thaakwell to be Capt. by purchase, vice
Breret-Major Currie, promoted. • . 45th Foot—Lieut. T. A. BurroWes to be Capt. by purchase, sicelllaierswho retiree; Epsign W. J. Sault° be ' Limit, by purchase, vice 33urrowess,Ellele A. Ferryto be Lieut, by purchase, vice Webber, 'whose promotion, by purchase, on • 4th. December .1851„. has been cancelled ; T. 3. Westby, Gent, to be Ensign, by
Purchase, vice Saul. •_ .
58th Toot—:Lieut. 3R. Ward to be Capt. without purchase, xiceRreset-Major • Hume, promoted in the 15th Foot ; Ensign J. A. Tighe to be Lieut. without turebase, vice Ward; G. Creamy, Gent. to be Ensign, without -purchase, vice ;
59th Foots-Enaign las Hesilrige -to be 'Amt,. without purchase, vice Hacket, dec.; C. Se WsFuriong,,Cent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Hesilrige. 67thpoots—H.C. Watson, Esq. formerly Paymaster of a Depot Battalion, -to be Pap:Caster, vice Buller. . .
90th Foot—Brevet-Major W. P. Tinling to be 'Major, without 'purchase, vice Barnston, died of- his • Viands.; Lieut.-.H. H. 'Goodricke to beCapte viithent pin- • chase, vice Tinling. 93d Foot-,.,R. W. T. Gordon, .Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, •viee Mason, • who resigns.. . • •
Rifle Brigade—The Hots. F. N. Somerville to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Wil- liams, promoted; 0..8—Syne, Gent, tohe Ensign, withent.purnbase. • • • 24 West huha alleeiment--EnsigaH..A. EMU te be Lieut. without purchase, vice Renick, promoted in the Royal Canadian Rifle Regd.; B. S. Turton, Gent, to be
Ensign, without purchase, vice Platt., - • - . •
Royal .Cauadian Mite ..Regiinent—EnEdga A. M. Armstrong to be Lieut.' without purchase ; Ensign R. W. Barrow to be Lieut. without purchase.
Hospital Stair—Acting Assist.-Surg. -.T. G. Creasy to be Assist.-Surg. ; Acting Assist-Surg. c, ct Taper to be Amiste,Surg. vice Butler, resigned. ' Purpeyor's J0e,partscaestss-FiretsClam PurveYbr's Clerk R. M. Lonsdale to he Pars yeyor, vice Henty, *signs. . Brevet—Brevet-114os 11. Daly, hiving retired upon full-pa 3d Foot, to Ise LieutsCol. 'ha the"Anny, the rank being honorees, only ; Second Capt. C. C. Tees, dale,.
C.B. of the Royal Artillery, to be Major in the Army.