At Anmen, sixtY-five miles West Of Calpee, (date tinknown,)Captain F.
H. Tom- tile 534 Regiment-Bengal N.I., the youngistson of Francesand the late Captain Tomkinsom..of ,the Royal Navy. He was ,with detachment of his regi- ment at Arai, in Bundlecundovhen the mer, niutind, and he escaped unharmed ; but he w subsequently betrayed,..while in, concealment, by a Poorbeea, for 50 rti- pees. „abet, killed at the ,ablive,named,plice, , (Hi 'the9th February, attliellrithth Legition, St. Petersburg,: .Alfred, second ion of-Laiii end Laity WOdelibute; aged fitti•eti inorithe. • On the 12th, at TicehurStiSuesex,shlie-.-Dorothy Ilia-dein; in her 90th year.. Oa the 15th, at Ctickhowell, Breconshire, Mrs. Sarah Judith Payne; in her 98th
On the W ltVtIM ton-er:C4toie, flito Robertson, daughtei cif thelate Comte', Es9. ; in her 90th tear.' • tic theLiSsh, tit: &llama LodgeXtfernsey; Ilarriet Brock, relict of the late Gene- ral -SirthoinhaSaumance ;, in her 97th year., - On the 28th, at Ashford Lodge;mear Peterefialcielfapts, Lady 'Williams, widow of the late Admiral Sir Thomas Williams, C.C.11., and wife of Admiral Hawker. .0n the,19tliot,West,Wickhapn, the Ircri. Frances Ann, widow of the late Inigo and eldest datitlltef &George, fourth Viscount
tfringlettletheitrr-1 ' 'Leg -
On the 19th, at St. Leonards-on-Sea, Sarah, wife of Sir William Reid, K.C.B., Otpottor pf,Ma1taAipther 62d year. , 9.21th,. Sorel, wife of*Ir: Richard r*: Rockingham Row, New Kent 9.2d Tetar-. il•