A Mad Tour. By Charlotte Elizabeth L. Riddell. (Bentley and
Son.)—Mrs. Riddell tells us that she was persuaded to undertake a pedestrian tour, and that she found herself unequal to the labour which it entailed upon her. This is the motive of her book, not a very adequate one, it must be confessed, but not ill- contrived for showing that her pen can make much of an un- promising subject. Perhaps we may get tired, though not as tired as Mrs. Riddell seems to have been, before we get to the end of the journey, but we shall certainly acknowledge that we have had some entertaining experiences on the way.—Another book of experiences of travel of a different kind may be mentioned at the same time :—Some Little Britons in Brittany. By Jennett Humphreys. (Sampson Low, Marston, and Co.)—The title indi- cates the subject. We need not say more than that it is enter- taining.