FLY, 0 our Flag, across the foam, White angel 'twist blue depth and height; From heart to heart, from home to home, From Greece to where her children fight.
Tell thou our brothers not more fast
Stand their eternal rocks than they; The future presses back the past
And night is hastening to the day.
Take thou our love to those dear hills
Where soul of man ne'er yet was cowed; Where a Greek hand a Greek land tills,
Where chains are worn but heads unbowed; Where still the self-same fight is fought That once our fathers fought and won When they the whole world's freedom bought Upon thy sands, 0 Marathon !
Oar fathers—e'en the same that gave The equal clasp of hand and hand : Who scorned the earthward bending slave, And bade the man in manhood stand.
Fly, 0 our Flag, since thou canst fly As man's unconquered spirit, free! Each sea-bird thou, against the sky, And thou each sail upon the sea.