Venerabilis Baedae Opera Historica. Edited by C. Plummer, M.A. 2
vols. (Clarendon Press.)—Here we have the critical edition of Bede which the present Bishop of Oxford, writing in the " Dictionary of Christian Biography " (1877), regretfully says "could not be looked for in the present day." Mr. Plummer has given us a carefully revised text, founded on a study of the MSS.; an introduction dealing with (1) the life of Bede, (2) the MSS. of his works ; appendices dealing with the chronology of Bede's works and his death; a most valuable commentary, occu- pying the greater part of the second volume ; and a most copious index, itself a valuable help to the study of the author. The Historica Opera are the " Historia Ecclesiastics Gentle Anglorum," the " Historia Abbatnm," an anonymous work with the same title, and Bede's letter to Egbert (of York). One peculiarity of this edition is " the use of italic type to indicate those parts of Bede's works which are derived from previously existing materials, as far as these have come down to ns." The editor also points out that he has made use of Bede's other works to illustrate his histories. Bode possessed all the learning of his time, and made it all subserve the Christian purpose which he always kept in view. The list of his own works that he gives in the last chapter of his " Historia Ecclesiastica " is indeed truly amazing. We cannot pretend to estimate the value of Mr. Plummer's work. It is the outcome of the study of years, a study extending into regions which lie beyond the ken of most scholars. The public is greatly indebted to him for the unsparing industry with which he has utilised his learning for the purpose of this edition.