[Notice to this column does not necessarily preclude eubsequent racism.] We should like to draw our readers' attention to the very admirable work which is being done in presenting the case for the Allies to the immense Spanish-reading public both in Europe and South America. During the earlier part of the war opinion in South America was controlled almost entirely by the agents of the German Government. Thanks, however, to the noble efforts of a prominent Spaniard, Mr. Benjamin Bar-r•ios, who is well known as a member of the English Bar, this state of things is being rapidly reversed. Mr. Barrios has already effected the translation into Spanish of the British White Paper• and of the Belgian Grey Book, and he has now brought out the first number of a periodical called America-Latina, which is devoted entirely to the fair presenta- tion of the facts of the war from our point of view. All of these publications are being distributed gratuitously in very large numbers throughout Spain and South America. We must repeat our high appreciation of Mr. Barrios's splendid activity, and recommend any of our readers who are interested in the matter• to put themselves in communication with him at 54 Gresham Street, E.C.