Joking Apart. By the Hon. Min. Dowdall. (Duckworth and Co.
5s. net.)—Joking apart, this is a ridiculous book. Almost any reader will find it exasperating. At the some time, almost any reader will laugh occasionally, wherever he may be and however out of place his laughter, as he reads. Seriously, though—only it is difficult to take the book seriously —it is hardly worth reading. The writer would seem to have no sense at all but the sense of humour. It consists of slight sketches of provincial society. They are often very cynical, often very silly, occasionally very vulgar, and more occasionally very funny. The writer has a craving to startle her readers. If she cannot do it anyhow else, she will do it with an unpar- liamentary word. Her illustrations are just of a piece with her letterpress. The book is original—and it is impossible not to dislike it.