The following question in regard to the National Reserve vas
asked by Mr. Horne in the House of Commons on Monday :—
" How many members of the National Reserve in Class I. have joined the colour., either in the Special Reserve or other Corps, and have received the £10 allowance duo to men in Class I. ; how many members of the National Reserve in Class IL have joined the colours and received the allowance of £5 due to them ; how massy membera of the National Reserve have entered the Regular and Territorial Forces, either as instructors or members of National Reserve companies in Territorial units ; how many members of the National Reserve have been called out for the purpose of guarding railway lines, vulnerable points such as powder factories, bridges, tsr., and prisoners on ships or on land ; how many members of the National Reserve have enlisted in the ordinary way, either in Regular or Territorial units ; how many men were there on the county registers of the National Reserve on the tat August, 1914; and bow many men remain on the National Reserve registers in the various counties who are not engaged in military duties P "
The answer was as follows :— "It would not be desirable to publish some of the information
for which the hon. Member asks, and in any case great labour would be involved in preparing the figures. I would ask him not to press his request at a time of pressure like the present"