In the Garden • The most eipert grower of small
fruit that I kfrow insists 1/91 February is the one month when potash should be applied, and that it is particularly effective in the raspberry field-.-certainly his rasp- berries are almost as big as logans. All the fruit wilibenefit from the application of wood-ash about this season. Vitamin-hunters are advised not to neglect the gooseberry, which also demands- potash. It iS 3 country tradition that the first green gooseberries should be eaten at Whitsuntide. If early sorts for the fulfilment of this tradition are sough; an expert (of the Country Gentlemen's Association)- the three varieties Careless, Lancashire Lad and White ion. In the potager the autumn-sown broad beans have survived the frosts anJ those protected by cloches have grown a good deal better than the rest ; but all promise an early crop. Incidentally, against that floe the tops of the stems, often picked off to prevent fly, make an excelkni