It was inevitable, I suppose, that various papers should describe
Stefan Zweig as the author of The Case of Sergeant Grischa, "the last war's best-seller." Actually, of course, that admirable novel was by Arnold Zweig, who was a Prussian, and was no relation at all of Stefan, a Viennese. Stefan, whose biographies of Marie Antoinette, Fouche and Mary Queen of Scots add as much to his fame as his novels, and perhaps more, had, being a Jew, to leave Austria after the German occupation in 1938. He can at once to this country, lived for a time in London and for a time in Bath, and spent some months in Edinburgh working az his Queen of Scots book. Though naturalised in 1940 hr migrated to Brazil, whence the distressing news of his suicide and his wife's comes. The reason is not clear, but there are an. plumbed depths of suffering in the hearts of exiles both great and small for whom Hitler has made life unliveable.