[A Book Token Jar one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week March 9th. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and must bear the word " Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 21d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the natne of the winner will be published in the following issue.]
1. It was, unfortunatety, tsken for granted that a bride of five-and- twenty had plenty. (4, 2. 3, 4.) 10. Haddock's lapsus linguae in forming a committee. (2, 3.) 11. Not back to the invader here. (9.)
12. Rugby ship. (6.) 13. He might have been an ungram- matical fitter, but he was a •coach- man. (6.) • 16. A thousand help her. (4.) 17. Awarded to Elisha at Oxford ? (10.) 20. Lawrence's novel might have been prosecuted. (10.) 21. No pastiche omits it. (4.) 23. A colic mixture is material. (6.) 25. The palm yields it. (6.) 28. " Another lean, unwashed - Cuts off his tale " (Shakespeare). (9.) 29. It can be cut out of a crusty roll.
30. Studied, no doubt, by the law- student who hopes to become an exhibitioner. (8, 5.) DOWN 2. I adopt her for a change. (9.) 3. No game for those who oin't stick it. (6.) 4. The answer required is the one that came in the quotation. (4.) 5. He gets his foot into the dressing- room. (4.) 6. See the Minister about the wrecked ark. (5. 3.)
7. Birthday region. (5.)
8. He puts mother on the mat here in
F d ake an d (13 )
ranee an m s en . . 9. A comrade in arms with plenty of drive acts as one would expect. (13.) 14. " He most of all cloth bathe in That path a quiet mind " (Vaux).
15. An ill thing, largely a matter of degree. (5.) 18. The initiative that enabled Cowper to write a long poem seems to have been supplied by troops. (4, 5.) 19. Precise. (8.) 22. Saint whose patronage is probably particularly invoked today. (6.) 24. Respite ending the tenancy. (3, 2.) 26. A little science expressing doubt gets to the top. (4.) 27. One doesn't eat this pie. (4.)