27 JANUARY 1844, Page 2

SDI erOtIrt.

THE quiet of the Court is still unbroken ; the most notable occurrence recorded at Windsor Castle having been the visit of the Cambridge family. The Duke arrived on Saturday, the Dutchess and the Princess Mary on Sunday. His Royal Highness left the Castle on Monday ; the Dateless and Princess Mary staid till Wednesday, and then re- turned to Kew.

Sir Robert and Lady Peel, and the Duke and Dutchess of Bucking- ham, took their departure on Saturday ; the Earl of Aberdeen on Tues- day. Sir Henry Wheately arrived on Monday, and staid a day. Viscount Canning arrived yesterday.

Prince Albert hunted with his harriers on Saturday and Thursday ; on Wednesday be went shooting in the preserves. When the Duke of Cambridge left Windsor, on Monday, he pro- ceeded to Arundel Castle to visit the Duke of Norfolk ; and thence he has gone to partake the hospitality of Colonel Wyndham at Petworth.