Memoirs of the Life of Vice-Admiral Lord Viscount Nelson, KB., Duke of Brontg, 4-c. By Thomas Joseph Pettigrew, F.R.S., F.S.A., &c. In two volumes.
Visions of the Times of Old; or the Antiquarian Enthusiast. By Robert Bigaby, Esq., LL.D., &c.; Author of "The Triumph of Drake," Scc. In three volumes.
The Philosophy of Religion. By J. D. Morel.
Bibliomania in the Middle Ages; or Sketches of Book-worms, Collectors, Bible Students, Scribes, and Illuminators, from the Anglo-Saxon and Nor- man periods to the Introduction of Printing into England ; with Anec- dotes, illustrating the History of the Monastic Libraries of Great Britain in the Olden Time. By F. Somner Merryweather.
A History of Wonderful Inventions. Illustrated with numerous Engravings on wood.
The Closing Scene; or Christianity and Infidelity Contrasted in the last hours of remarkable persons. By the Reverend Erskine Neale, ILA., Rector of Kirton, Suffolk, &c. [The sequel of a former publication by Mr. Erskine Neale, in which the lives of sceptics and believers were compared: together, especially in relation to their deathbeds. The book possesses the intermixture of anecdote and popularly- serious reflection which distinguishes this writer; but the subjects chosen are scarcely so apt as in the former volume.] Chemical Manipulation and Analyst's, Qualitative and Quantitative. By Henry M. Noad, Lecturer of Chemistry at St. George's Hospital, &c. (Intended to form part of a series of Treatises on Chemistry in the Li- brary of Useful Knowledge.) [A popular compendium of the subject, containing the discoveries that have been made during the last ten years. The volume appears to have been published in mint- hers, and forms part of a series of cheap works intended to complete the treatises on science and solid literature which were begun by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. The continuation is the enterprise of their publisher, Mr. Baldwin.]
• On the Agriculture of Suffolk. By William and Hugh Raynbird. Including the Report to which the Prize was awarded by the Royal Agricultural Society of England. fIn addition to the prize report on the farming of Suffolk, this volume contains several papers on topics not included in the list of matters prescribed to the can- didates by the Royal Agricultural Society. Among these additions are papers on the condition of the agricultural labourer, local words and customs, the past and present state of agriculture in the county, the societies and farmers' clubs, with specimens of their discussions, &c.] - Who's Who in 1849. Edited by H. R. Addison, K.G.S.
[Who's Who in 1849, is a handy little book for the table, desk, or pocket. It con- tains lists of the Royal Family, the Royal Household down to clerks and pages, the public officers in law and state, the members of both Houses of Parliament, Gene- rals, Admirals, Baronets, Knights, &c., with the directors, secretaries, actuaries, and so forth, of public companies in London. The addresses of the various classes except the last„ who can always be found at their office unless" non aunt inventi," would be an improvement; but this would involve an extension of size, and the handiness of Who's Who is a great feature.]
Literary Gleanings. By an Invalid. IA selection in prose and verse inculcating the amiable and household vir- tue, and not untrequently suggestive of more thought than is contained in the passage itself. The gleanings are often made from little-known or fugitive writers; which gives a kind of freshness to the selection.] - Duodecimo; or the Scribbler's Progress. An Autobiography, written by an Insignificant Little Volume, and published likewise by Itself. [This volume is a little more than an ill-contrived jeu d'esprit and would-be satire; fiat in its attempted jokes, very wordy, and meaningless.] Spring Flowers and Summer Blossoms. [Easy and pretty little tales for children in prose and verse, on subjects adapted to their feelings as well as understandings: they are clothed in a handsome dress.]
Financial Reform; a Letter to the Citizens of Glasgow, from John Mac- gregor, M.P. With an Introduction and Supplementary Notes, A Budget for the Million, in a Letter to the Inhabitants of the Borough of Ipswich. From Rigby Wason, Esq.
A Short Letter to Mr. Cobden, in Reply to his Long Speech at Manchester, from his quondam admirer Harry Holdfast.
Letter to the Right Honourable Lord John Russell, M.P., suggesting a Plan for the Reclamation of Waste Lands in Ireland, securing the Government from any loss. From Rigby Wason, Esq.
• Report of the British Association for the Relief of the Extreme Distress in Ireland and Scotland.
: The Cry of the Children; an Address delivered at Stranraer, on 8th January 1849. By Alexander M'Neel-Caird, Esq., Procurator Fiscal of Wigtown- shire.
Some Remarks on the Rank, Promotion, and Expense of the Establishment of Officers belonging to the Guards. By an Officer of the Line.
Railways Past, Present, and Prospective. By R. M. Martin, Esq., Author • of" The Taxation of the British Empire," &c.
A Guide to the Gold Country of California, &e. Compiled from the Offi- cial Despatches of Colonel Mason, Lieutenant-Colonel Fremont, and other Government Authorities. Illustrated with a Map of Mexico, California, and the United States, &c.
, Geographical and Mineralogical Notes, to accompany Mr. Wyld's Map of the Gold Regions of California.
The Bible, its Elevating Influence on Han. Illustrated by six highly- finished Wood Engravings, arranged and engraved from original Designs, by George Measorn.