Tuesday, January 23.
Lidgett and Shepherd, Miter Street, ship-brokers-Whitehouse and Sons, Dudley, canal-carriers-Freeman and Co. Stanley Place, Paddington, auctioneers-The Liver- pool Asphalte Company, Liverpool ; as far as regards J. A. Bartlett-Ord and Hum- phrey, Sunderland, lineudrapers-Lawson and Anderdon, Lime Street, merchants- Sewell and Sons, Chatham Place, merchants-Jackson and Brother, Little Bolton, engineers-M. and NV. J. Okey, Turumill Street, Cierkenwell, glass-stainers-Hall and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, cotton-warp•dressers -Shaw and Sons, Staiybridge, woollen- manufacturers-T. and G. Waddington, Beverley, fellinongers-Woods and Bauer, Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, lithographic-printers-Blackit and Reunoldson, Sun- derland, milliners-marshau and Wright, Sheffield, pawnbrokers-T. D. and C. Gray- son, Liverpool, ship-builders-Carbines and Sallie, Great Guildford Street, ironfoanders -Crosthwaites and Co. Keswkk, black-lead-manuf,cturers-J. and S. Redfern, Ashby- de-la-Zouch, chemists-Lane, Brothers, Bah:a-Carlton and Co. Manchester, dealers in cotton goods-Hercules Insurance Company of Scotland ; as far as regards E. and H. Ililne-Aitken and Co. Glasgow, ironfounders ; as far as regards J. Aitken-Dun- can and Son, Edinburgh, West India merchants.
BRANwers, RICHARD, Holdsworthy, Devonshire, attorney, to surrender Feb. 1, 28: solicitors, Messrs. Baker and Co. Lime Street ; Mr. Stogdon, Exeter ; official as- signee ; Mr. Hirtzel, Exeter, Baowese-rr, SAMUEL, Liverpool, fruit-merchant, Feb. 5, March 5 : solicitors, Messrs. Cornthivaite and Co. Old Jewry Chambers ; Mr. Pemberton, Liverpool ; official as- signee, Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool. CORE, THOMAS, Stamford, innkeeper, Feb. 9, March 9 : solicitors, Messrs. Taylor and Collisson, Great James Street ; Mr. Brewster, Nottingham; official assignee, Mr. BIttleston, Nottingham. CnAnoce, Waxiest, Truro, auctioneer, Feb. 1, 28 : solicitors, Messrs. Baker and Co. Lime Street ; Mr. Stogdon, Exeter; official assignee, Ms Hernaman, Exeter. Evearrr, JOSEPH FRITH, High Holborn, hydraulic-engineer, Feb. 2, March 6 : tor, Mr. Taylor, Finsbury Place South ; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers.
Humus, HENRY, Dover, linendraper, Feb. 2, March 1 : s3licitor, 31r. Jones, Slat Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basinghall street. JONES, Jamas STRANGE, High Holborn, wax-chandler, Feb. 1, March 6: solicitor, Mr. Jervis, Lawrence Pountney Hill; official assignee, Sir. Whitmore, Basinghall St. JARVIS, JAMES, Birmingham, plane-maker, Feb. 8, March 3. solicitor, Mr. Powell; Birmingham; official assignee, Mr. Christie, Birmingham. RODEN, STEPHEN, Swinton Street, Gray's Inn Road, rug-manufacturer, Feb. 3, March 10: solicitors, Messrs. Dickson and Co. Old Jewry; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Ha- singhall Street.
POTTER, Taorsts, Sheffield, printer, Feb. 10, March 10: solicitor, Mn, Duncan, Buckingham Street ; Mr. Unwin, Sheffield ; official assignee, Mr. Freeman, Sheffield, PIERCE, JAMBS, Chorley, Lancashire, corn-dealer, Feb. 6, 27 solicitors, Messrs. Norris and Co. Bedford Row ; Messrs. Turner and Son, Preston ; official assignee, Mr. Fraser, Manchester.
STROUD, HARRY VALANTINE, Spettisbury, Dorsetshire, miller, Feb. 1,28. solicited, Messrs. Edwards and Peake, New Palace Yard ; Mr. Fincham, Blandford ; Mr. Stog. don, Exeter ; official assignee, Mr. Ileniaman, Exeter,
SPENCE, CHRISTOPHER JOHN, Stockton-upon-Tees, timber-merchant, Feb. 8, March 6 solicitor, Mr. Hale, Chancery Lane ; 3Ir. Allison, Darlington; official assignee, Mr: Wakley, Newcastie-upon-Tyne. Ward, HELEN, Moreton in Marsh, innkeeper, Feb. I, March 6: solicitor, Mr. Dupleix. Lincoln's Inn Fields ; official assignee, Mr. Cannan, Birchin Lane. WOMERSLET, Jona and WHIJAst, Clayton, Yorkshire, delvers, Feb. 5,16 : solicitors; 3Iessrs. Trinder and tyre, Bedford Row ; Messrs. Hark and Clarke, Leeds; official assignee, Mr. Hope, Leeds.
Feb. 14, Cease, Christchurch, Hampshire, grocer-Feb. 14, Choules, Reading, iron- monger-Feb. 15, Pocock, Southampton Street, Strand, upholsterer-Feb. 13, Mayor, Burslem, earthenware-manufacturer-Feb. 14, Allen, St. Ives, ironmonger-Feb. 19, Richardson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, glass-manufacturer-Feb. 15, Wallace, Durham, grocer-Feb. 15, Todd, Whitehaven, Ironmonger-Feb. 15, Rowell, Hartlepool, mer- chant-Feb. 15, Fletcher, Egremont, Cumberlandshire, tanner-Feb. 15, J. J. and H. Ferens, Durham, drapers-Feb. 16, G. Hewitt and G. Hewlett, Manchester, woollen- drapers-Feb 15, Prytherch, Llantrisant, Anglesey, cattle-dealer-Feb. 16, Pratt. Liverpool, stock-broker-Feb. 16, Slattery, Liverpool, corn-broker-Feb. 16, Hay, Liverpool, draper-Feb. 13, Hone, Liverpool, victualler.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.
Feb. 16, Harrison, Ilaydon Street, cooper-Feb. 16, Abbott, Lower Edmonton, market-gardener-Feb. 15, Butterfield, Hitchin, Hertford, builder-Feb. 16, Benda, Camomile Street, importer of foreign goods-Feb. 14, Lockyer, St. James's Walk, Clerkenwell, metal-tool-merchant-Feb. 14, Amey, Liverpool, ship-broker-Feb,. 14, Hutton, Liverpool, painter-Feb. 15, Pinhey, Plymouth, grocer-Feb 15, Holes, Maiden Newton, Dorsetshire, linendraper- Feb. 15, Durant, Plymouth, chemist -Feb. 17, Stephens, Leigh, Worcestershire, blacksmith-Feb. 17, Wall, Hridenbury, Hereford, cattle-dealer.
To be confirmed unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before Feb. 13. Clarkson, Charlton, retailer of beer-Smith, Bridge Road, Battersea, florist-Tarn- bull, Blue Anchor Road, tanner-Farlar, Brompton Square, builder-M‘Donnell,Bitten, Gloucestershire, paper-manufacturer-Gartside, Preston, draper-Chambers, Black- man Street, carpenter-Evans, Liverpool, butcher-Jones, Old Swineford, Worcester- shire, grocer-Watson, Golden Valley, Derbyshire, Innkeeper-Vaile, High Holborn, auctIoneer-Rees, Stourbridge, woollendraper-Hall, Kington, Hereford, miller-Petty, Gargrave, Yorkshire, farmer.
Broadbent and Hughes, Walmersley cam Shuttleworth, Lancashire, paper-makers; first die. of 4s. 9d, on the joint estate ; div. of 20a. on the separate estate of J. Broad- bent; div. of 20:. on the separate estate of J. Hughes, any Tuesday; Mr. Hobson, Manchester-Greenwood and Bateman Bury, Lancashire, Joiners; first div. of 7d. any Tuesday; Mr. Hobson, Manchester-Hell, Rochdale, innkeeper; second div. of 8d. any Tuesday; Mr. Hobson, Manchester-Strange, Abingdon, wine-merchant; first div. of 7s. Jan. 2.5, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Mr. Stansfeld, Hasinglutli Street-Stephenson, Lombard Street, banker; final div. of 3 21-32d. on the separate estate, Jan. 25, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Mr. Stanethid, Basinghall Street- Mawhood, High Holborn, lace-dealer ; dlv. of 3s. 4d. Jan. 24, or any subsequent Wed- nesday; Mr. Follett, SambroOk Court-Smiths, Brentwood, cheesemunger; first div. Of ad. any seeder; Mr. Green, Guildhall Chambers—Turtill, High Holborn, saddler ; fird div. of as. gd. any Saturday ; Mr. Green, Guildhall Chambers—Knight, Lewes, Sussex, butcher; first div. of fis. 9d. any Saturday ; Mr. Green, Guildhall Chambers- Ginder, Canterbury, victualler ; first div. of 6d. Jan. 21, and three subsequent Wed- nesdays; Mr. Turquand, Guildhall Chambers—Thompson, Great Tower Street, grocer ; first iffy. of 5d. Jan. 24, and three subsequent Wednesdays ; Mr. Turquand, Guildhall Chambers— Morrish, Leicester Square, draper ; second div. of 3d. Jan. 24, and three subsequent Wednesdays; Mr. Turquand, Guildhall Chambers—Cooper and Co. Alder- manbury, bat-manufacturers ; second div. of 6d. Jan. 24, and three subsequent Wed- nesdays; Mr. Turquand, Guildhall Chambers—Robson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, grocer ; first div. of 9d. Feb. 3, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon- Tyne—Smith jun. Stockton-upon-Tees, earthenware-manufacturer ; first div. of 4s. Feb. 3, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Boss, Glasgow. wright, Jan. 29, Feb. 26—Todd, Glasgow, warehouseman, Jan. 29, Feb. 19—Marshall, Edinburgh, accountant, Jan. 24, Feb. 21—Steedumn, Gaimey Bridge, Kinross-shire, farmer, Jan. 26, Feb. 19—Scouller, Glasgow, warehouseman, Jan. 26, Feb. 16.
Friday, January 26.
Ashton and Buckley, Ashton-under-Lyne, silk plush velvet manufacturers—Russell and Cowan, Manchester, engravers—Boyne and Brooke, Leeds, tobacco manufacturers —Punter and Davies. Penzance, attornies—Quadling and Cult, Ipswich, railway-- carriage builders—Attbill and Royale, Ipswich, surgeons—Bush and Anderson, Lou.- Sutton, machinemen—Collyns and Day, Kenton, Devonshire, surgeons—W. and C. Parki0, Hightown, Yorkshire, copperas, manufacturers— Bininett and Cope, Lombard Street, shutter makers—Hood and Lee, Red Lion Square, Holborn, bookbinders— Meredith and Woolley, City Road Basin, wharfing,ers—G. and A. Rogers, tipper Mary- lebone Street, Fitzroy Square drapers—J. A. and S. Spier or A. Spier and Son, Man- chester, furriers—Speake earl:Nightingale, Gravesend, hawkers—Cooper and Bexey, chiswell Street, toy-dealers—Wheaton and Co. Moulton, ironmongers ; as far as regards J. Hutchings—Scott and Revell, Bradley Terrace, Wandsworth Road, tea dealers— Turner and Marsh, Penistone, Yorkshire, brick makers—Randall and Son, Maiden Lane, tile makers —Midgley and Stansfleid, Todmordon, cattle dealers—Strong and L.,,enett, Hastings, mercers—Purdy and Daniel, Guildford Street, Southwark, hat manufacturers—B. and J. Rutland, Plymouth, butchers—Joshua and Herrman, Ba- singhall Street, merchants—Park and May, Cureltor Street, builders—Service and porter, Toronto, Canada West—The Banking Company in Aberdeen ; as far as regards I. Forsyth—P. and W. Wilson, Arbroath, booksellers.
CHILD, SOLOMON, Ewhurst, Surrey, mealman.
MILEAGE, JOIIN, Cheltenham, grocer.
DANCOCKE HERCULES HAINEs, Kempley, Gloucestershire, coal dealer, to surrender Feb. 9, March 2: solicitors, Messrs. Reese and Chambers, Devereux Court ; Mr. Reese, Ledbury ; official assignee, Mr. Hutton, Bristol.
Down, BARTHOLOMEW, Liverpool, tailor, Feb. 6,27: solicitors, Mr. Carpenter, Sta- ple Inn ; Mr. Brotherton, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool.
DuRANTY, ALEXANDER, Liverpool, merchant, Feb. 7, March a: solicitors, Messrs. Trinder and Eyre, John Street, Bedford 110w; Mr. Lloyd, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Morgan, Liverpool.
ELLERMAN, CHARLES FREDERICK, and COLEMAN, HENRY &MAAR% St. Martin's Lane, merchants, Feb. 9, March 9: solicitors, Messrs. Amory and Co. Throgmorton Street ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Frederick's Place.
Fox, JOSEPH, North Street, Bethnal Green, timber merchant, Feb. 6, March 9: Soli- citor, Mr. Taylor, Pavement ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Frederick's Place. Coma, EDWIN TwrzELL, Edmonton, boarding house keeper, Feb. 2, March 7: sen- ator, Mr. Ashley, Shoreditch ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basinghall Street. "HUGHES, THOMAS, Liverpool, woollendraper, Feb. 9, March 6: solicitors, Messrs. Chester and Co. Staple Inn ; Messrs. Morecroft and Son : official assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool.
• LIVING, ROBERT, Leadenhall Market, poulterer, Feb. 2, March 5: solicitors, Messrs. Sturmy and Simpson, Wellington Street, Southwark ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street.
MORGAN, MARIA, Liverpool, vroollendraper, Feb. 13, March 6: solicitors, Messrs. Gregory and Co. Bedford Row ; Messrs. Hampson and Son, Manchester; Mr. Wood- burn, Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Turner, Liverpool.
MOULTON, Joust, Manchester, timber merchant, Feb. 7, March 7: solicitors, Messrs. Reed and Co. Friday Street; Messrs. Sale and Co. Manchester; official assignee, Mr. Pott, Manchester.
NEWBOLD, JOHN, Dudley, auctioneer, Feb. 7, March 6: solicitors, Mr. Bolton, Dud- ley; Messrs. Mottram and Co. Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Christie, Bir- mingham.
"PERKS, EDWARD, Redditcla, needle manufacturer, Feb. 7, March 6: solicitors, Mr. Cheek, Evesham ; Mr. Wright, Birmingham ; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham. SIMMONDS, PETER LUND, Bucklersbury, bookseller, Feb. 1, March 12: solicitor, Mr. Woollen, Bucklersbury; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street.
Towns, WILLIAM, Kingston, farmer, Feb. 2, March 9: solicitor, Mr. Guillaume, Tlarogmorton Street ; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers.
Wants:mew, WILLIAM, Brenchley, farmer, Feb. 2, March 7: solicitor, Mr. Smith, Baniard's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Bell, Moorgate Street.
WEBBER, Pinup HUGH, and Co- Newton Abbot, ironfounders, Feb. 7, March 7: soli- citors, Mr. Spye:, Broad Street Buildings, Mr. Turner, Exeter; official assignee, Mr. Hirtzol, Exeter.
WILLIAMS, SAMUEL, Reading, coach proprietor, Feb. 9, March 9: solicitors, Messrs. Stullows and Co. Bedford Row ; 3Ir. Whatley, Resoling; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane.
WINTLE, Jolts, Westbury-upon-Trym, innkeeper, Feb. 9, March 9: solicitors, Messrs. Sarr and Gribble, Lombard Street ; Messrs. Castle and Henderson, Bristol: official as- signee, Mr. Miller, Bristol.
'Warm, THOMAS, Comhill, chemist, Feb. 2, March 9: solicitors, Messrs. Goddard and Eyre, Wood Street ; official assignee, Mr. Stanfeld, King's Arms Yard. assignee, Mr. Green, Guildhall Chambers. Womanize, HENRY, Windsor, timber dealer, Feb. 9, March 10: solicitor, Mr. L.7.7, Falcon Square ; official
Feb. 16, Blackford, Swindon, butcher—Feb. 21, Deflinne, Manchester, gingham- manufacturer—Feb. 20. Collins, Salford, brewer—Feb. 20, Naftali, Rochdale, pork- butcher—Feb. 16, Martin, Weston, miller—Feb. 22, Wawn, Thrislington, Durham, lime-burner.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. Feb. 19,Peterson, Mount Street, Lambeth, shoemaker—Feb. 16, Simmons. Marden, Kent—Feb. 17 Scruby, Beaton, Bedfordshire, farmer—Feb. 19, Walker, Upper Sey- mour Street, Edgware Road, hotel-keeper—Feb. 16, Townsend, High Street, lalington, cmpet-dealer—Feb. 16, Liney, Albert Road, Peckham, ship-owner—Feb. 20, Wilson, Tavistock Place, apothecary—Feb. 20, Greening, Stroud, saddier—Feb. 17, Evans, Sheffield, table-kW:re-manufacturer—Feb. 17, Ward, Smethwick, Staffordshire, railway- Pin-rnanufacturer—Feb. 22, Yates sea. Colton, cora-merchent —Feb. 19, Speakman, Astley, Lancashire, joiner.
To be conjirmed unless cause be shown to the contrary on or Wore Feb. 16. Palmer, Birmingham, wholesale jeweller—Manley, Halifax, Yorkshire, grocer— Browne, Peckham Rye, brick maker--Ansdell, Barnet, coach proprietor—Toovey, Fashion Street, Dockhead, victualler —Couseus, York Square, Stepney, engineer—Han- flier, liPner Lawn, Shropshire, cattle dealer—Browning, Whitstable, grocer—Roberts, l'enmachno, Carnarvonshire, cattle dealer.
kat, Liverpool, laceman ; first and final div. of 9s. 3d. Jan. 30, or any subsequent Tuesday; Mr. Fraser, Manchester—Earle, Fahnouth, grocer ; first div. of ls. 6d. any Tuesday, Mr. Hirtzel, Exeter—Bligh, Plymouth, hosier; second div. of Ild. any Tuesday; Mr. Hirtzel, Exeter—J1llings, Woolpit, Suffolk, draper ;seoond dlv: of 3s. 6d. any Wednesday ; Mr. Graham, Coleman Street—Butler, Saffron Walden, ESSEX, up- bolsterer ; third cliv. of Is. 4d. any Wednesday ; Mr. Graham, Coleman Street—Coot, liedge Row, High Street, Islington, llnendraper ; second div. of 5d. any Wednesday ; Mr. Graham, Coleman Street—D. K. and D. Price, Pilgrim Street, warehousemen; third dlr. of 5gd. and first, second, and third diva. of 14s. Ilgd. on new proofs, Jan. 27, sod three subsequent Saturdays ; Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry—Payne, Lewes, clothier; first dlv. Is. 6d. Jan. 27, and three subsequeut. Saturdays; Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry.
Craig, Edinburgh, commission agent, Jan. 29, March 5—White, Glasgow, watch ma- .Jan. 30, Feb. 27—Hence, Aberdeen, banker, Jan. 31, March I—Green, Edin- targli, share broker, Feb. 1, 22—Matson and Philp, Dundee, corn merehanta. Jan. 40, Feb. 21.