It is rumoured that a new Lord Ordinary is to be added to the Oater House of the Court of Session. The pressure of business in the Bill Chamber is alleged as the reason of this proposal; a statement is current that the eases advance at the rate of one and a half per week, and that with the present arrears the fifty-ninth on the roll will not come on till 1850.
The French Consul at Edinburgh, in lately transmitting to the Minis- ter of Marine an account of the loss of the French lugger Neptune, on the Ayrshire coast, in December last, stated that the Marquis of Ailsa, whose property comes down to that shore, showed the utmost kindness to the crew, and had sent them back to France in a vessel of his own. The French Minister has just sent a letter to the Marquis, expressing the gra- titude of his Government and nation for such benevolent conduct.
The Edinburgh papers announce the death of Mr. Robert Cadell, the publisher, at Ratho House, on Saturday last. Mr. Cadell's eminence was founded on his connexion with Sir Walter Scott in the publication of the popular editions of the entire series of the Waverley novels. This scheme, which resulted in paying off the whole of the immense debt incurred by Sir Walter through his commercial engagements with Constable and Bal- lantyne, and presenting the Abbotsford property to Sir Walter's descend- ants, was of Mr. Cadell's origination; and it proved the foundation of his own great fortune. Mr. Cadell is understood to have realized the largest sum that has ever been made in this country by publishing. To his repu- tation of uncommon shrewdness he added that of a strictly honourable tradesman and a public-spirited citizen.