The English Stock Market has experienced a very considerable improvement. Daring Monday and Tuesday there was an evident tendency to advance: though the actual rise was not more than a * per cent. On Wednesday more activity was apparent; and in the course of yesterday and this morning a rise of more than 1 per cent took place. The whole advance from 89*, the closing price of I Consols on Saturday, to 94, the highest quotation of today, has been l per cent. ' The market gave way slightly from the highest point, and destined this afternooa
0 91.1; closing without material change, at 911 1 both for Money and Account.
of the week was the result of the continued
he movement at the beginning of the last two days
ents of the country, whence a considerable annual saving will arise. It would
• quite evident, from the very nature of the reductions spoken of, that the great majority of them must be without foundation. It is enough to say that the public mind Bank Stock unties have risen in proportion to Consols. has also advanced be- y reached 195, and the latter 244.
the non-advice of any shipment of dollars on account of the dividends, which afterwards known that a remittance of 26,000 dollars was on its way, and that sum has since arrived: the price of Stock, however, has been little above 26 for the last
16n-dividend kind have not been so much sought after as previously. Speculation in this class of securities seems for the moment to have slackened; almost all of in them: the nominal quotation continues at from 4 to 5. Spanish Stock, after undergoing some downward fluctuation, is again rather firmer. Brazilian, Por- tuguese, Dutch, Russian, and all the Dividend-paying Stocks, are advancing, under the steady effect of a continued though not large demand, and are all at
The Railway Shares are nearly all at some advance; the only exception
the tolls first became known. The advance in the other lines has been from 5/. to 71. for the larger shares, while from a few shillings to V. may be considered
par, a position from which they had been degraded for some time. The demand for the French Shares noticed in our last report does not appear to have con- tinued: the prices are nearly the same, but the disposition for investment or spe-
exhibit, when comptred with those of the preceding week, the following results-
Rest £23,271
Pehhe Deposits
£297,199 Other Dep...sits
126,654 Seven-day and other Bills 98,256
Government Securities, including Dead-weight
Other Securities
102,613 " Notes tmissuecl
282,995 Actual Circulation 354,620
Notes issued 72,125
Bullion 104,962
This week. Last week.
Total Bullion in both Departments 15,048,551 14,943,589 Actual Circulation 18,428,435 18,273,815
The English Stock Market opened briskly. Soon after the commencement of business a purchase of 60,0001. Consols at 91 occurred, which was followed by another though not so extensive at 91/. Consols are now 918 4 both for Money and Account. In the Foreign Market the chief object of attraction is Mexican Stock, which is at an advance of 1 per cent from the closing quotation of yesterday. It appears that in addition to the 26,000 dollars brought by the packet for the dividends, Messrs. Baring and Co. yesterday handed over to the Agents of the Mexican Government in this country a farther sum of 35,000 dollars. The other Foreign Bonds are without change. The Railway Share Market is firm at yesterday's prices. The following are the chief transactions: Eastern Counties, 118 i ; Ditto, Preference, 111; Great Northern, 91 10; North-western, 139, 8; South-western, 44; Midland, 99 8; North British, 16 1; North Staffordshire, 12
a 8 per Cent Consols
91f 4
Danish 3 per Cents 65 8
Ditto for Account
91f f Dutch 2i per Cents 491 50
8 per Cent Reduced 91f 4::
Ditto 4 per Cents 774 84 SI per Cents 92f 4 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846... 26f f Long Annuities 8 13-16 New Grenada 151 16* . Bank Stock 194 196 Portuguese N.4 per Cents 1842 27 8 Exchequer Bills 42 49 pm Portuguese Old 1824 72 75 India Stock
Russian 5 per Cents 104 6 Brazilian 5 per Cents 78 80
Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 183 4
Belgian 44 per Cents 78 80 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842
283 4
Buenos Ayres
26 8
19 21 • -Chilian 6 per Cents
90 2
enty of money, and consequent dculty of finding employment for capital: is traceable to the belief that the Government intend at t of Parliament to propose very large redactions in all the establish- e meeting useless here to repeat any of the rumours current upon this subject, as it is as nter upon a course of extensive and severe economy. The other Government Se- been suddenly penetrated by the conviction that the Government are about to ween 4 and 5 per cent, and India Stock about 3 per cent ; the former having to- hich from 27 have been as low as 26. This decline was occasioned, on Tuesday, fall of 1 cent in Mexican In the Foreign Market, we have to notice a per Bonds, y ought to have been received by the American mail which arrived on that day. It was
day or two; and it closes this afternoon at 25i 26. The South American Bonds of the
them which were recently in such vogue being at rather lower prices than last week. The demand for the Greek Bonds of the Loans of 1824 and 1825, noticed in our last report, seems also to have slackened: we do not notice any transactions better prices than last week.
night at the price (111) to which the Shares fell when the weekly diminution in being, we believe, the Eastern Counties, whioh have continued for the last fort- the medium advance in the smaller varieties. Great Western are today done at culation in them appears to have abated. The accounts of the Bank of England for the week ending the 20th January
BAN611[61 DEPARTMENT. Increase. Decrease.