27 JANUARY 1956, Page 26

SIR,—In Mr. Charles Curran's article I detected what I assumed

to he a selfish motive and some muddled thinking by a member of the middle class.

In the Twenties and Thirties, when, in con- trast to the present day, there were more manual workers than jobs, the middle classes, who jumped into jobs with good salaries by virtue of their, then rare, higher educa- tion, did not worry unduly about their semi- illiterate brothers. Now things are much dif7 ferent; different too from the picture Mr. Curran paints, as he would find if he would study the denizens of the estates more closely. He would perhaps come to knoW, as I do, of the window-cleaner's son who is now a B.Sc., the hod-carrier's son who has also taken a B.Sc. I could carry, on with the sons of engineers, lamplighters, etc., who have taken degrees, become art masters, instrumentalists in philharmonic orchestras, or almost anything but what Mr. Curran would have us believe. I hope in future he will not be too ready to do what few dogs would do, and bite the hand that feeds him.—Yours faithfully, JAMES HODGE

132 Milton Street, Southport, Lancashire