— Portrait of the Week — MR. JOHN KENNEDY was inaugurated
President of the United States and, as his first executive act, ordered the Secretary of Agriculture to increase the quantity and improve the quality of the government food parcels issued to the American Poor. Seventy rebels against the Salazar regime in Portugal seized a Portuguese liner on the high seas. At the Portuguese Government's request, Britain's armed might—a frigate—was sent off in Pursuit, but had to turn back to top up. The Queen began her tour of India and Pakistan, calling en route on President Makarios (once exiled by Her Majesty's Government), and laying five hundred white roses on the tomb of Gandhi (more than once imprisoned by the governments of Her Majesty's father and grandfather). With the help of some hundreds of beaters, tethered goats and bullocks, and a double-barrelled rifle, Prince Philip shot and killed a tiger, from a twenty- five-foot-high platform; the tiger was later exhi- bited, dead, with the shooting-party lined up behind it, and it was announced that its skin Would be made into a rug for Windsor Castle.
PARLIAMENT RESUMED, Lord Hailsham told the Lords that the Tory promise to let private patients get their drugs free through the Health Service Was now null and void, as it had been part of the Programme of an election that the Tories had lost. Lord Kilmuir offered no hope of any immedi- ate reconsideration of the law relating to capital Punishment, and fifteen Tory MPs. led by Sir Thomas Moore, began to drum up support for more hangings, The TUC, the Labour Party executive and the Shadow Cabinet set up a com-
MitLtiteeb to produce a. def p TUC,
out Party executiveolicy andthat the Shadow Cabinet could agree on.
THE BELGIAN STRIKE came to an end after more than a month. The Congolese Foreign Minister announced that Mr, Lumumba would be put on trial for 'incitement to murder'; Mr. Tshombc refused to allow the UN Conciliation Committee to visit him in prison, and the Egyptian Govern- ment withdrew its UN contingent of 500 troops in Protest against his treatment. European voters in Kenya voted heavily for Sir Ferdinand Cavendish- °entinek and against Mr. Michael Blundell and the Macleod constitution. Moscow Radio an- nounced the imprisonment of Madame Olga Ivin- akaYa and her daughter, close friends and collab- orators of Pasternak, 'for having formed criminal contacts with foreign nationals.' The Soviet Government expelled' the assistant BEA man in M°seow. Proceedings at the Central Committee °I. the Communist Party in Peking seemed to „Presage a China-wide purge of 'the politically ;reliable.' Mr. George Kennan was appointed -Meriean ambassador to Belgrade, where Mr. sidas—once Tito's right-hand man and later his erifie--was released from prison.
G---14EtAI. SIR RICHARD HULL, late cavalry, sometime GIGS, Trinity College, Cambridge, was appointed "IGS, and Lieut.-General John d'Arcy Ander- arc,ln, late cavalry, formerly exhibitioner of New ;41,llege his deputy. The.Cavalry Club was said be instituting evening classes for its less literate Members. Mr. Antony Armstrong-Jones went to work at the Design Centre (some say in a blue suit, some say in a grey); and a number of reporters, photographers, gossip-columnists, and leader-writers went to work on Mr. Antony _^rinstrong-Jones. There are no reports yet of any ilermons having been preached on the subject.