Trm eh: in North America during the 'Years 1E134, 1835, and I936; including a Sam- nor Resitlatee with the Pawnee Tribo of Indians. iu the remote Prairies of the Missouri, and a visit to Cuba and the Azure islands. lay this Don. t'Itarles
Attaistus Murray. In 2 vois Bentley. Eterios,
Ilamilton Rine, or the Smuggler and the Dwarf. lie the Old Sailor, Author of
Tot,,,), yarns," " Stories of Greenwich Hospital," &c. Iti 3 rots Beating. NATV11.41.1hbrettY,
A History of British Birds, indigenous and migratory; their Orgattimtiou, habits, and Relat ions ; Remarks on Classification and Notwoclat tire ; au Account
ui the principal Organs of Birds, and Observations relative to I 11
logv. Illustrated by numerous Engravings. By William Maegillirray.
F.Ii.S.E., &e. Vol. II. Cantores—Songsters ,,,,,,,,, and it'e.bster.