27 JULY 1839, Page 7

gbe Vrobintrs. The polling at Totnes commenced on Wednesday ; and

it will be seen that the contest was remarkably close. The numbers were—



47 1 Blount AT TEN O'CLOCK.

72 I Blimut AT umr-ruse"rs s.

88 1 Blount AT ELEVEN O'CI,O,CR. 103 1 !Mina AT TWELVE O'CLOCK.

Baldwin 129 I Blount 119 At the close of the poll, the two candidates were exactly equal—

Baldwin 142 1 Blount 142 So there is a double return ; and a Committee of the Douse of Com- mons must decide to whom the seat belongs, it' to either candidate.

Mr. Barry Baldwin the Tory candidate is an Irish gentleman, who has bought an estate wthin the precincts of the borough. Mr. Blount is the Duke of Somerset's son-in-law.

A society has been formed in Bristol under the designation of " The Bristol Liberal Protection Society," for the purpose of Militating assist- ance to any of its members who may suffer in consequence of giving a conscientious Liberal vote.--Reiser] Mercury.

The Ludlow Liberals have commeneed actions for the penalties of bribery against three Tory voters in that borough.

The Duke of Cleveland has appointed Mr. Bowes, M.P., his Deputy Lieutenant for the county of Durham, during his Grace's absence in Germany. Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin 13aldwin Baldwin 23 29 03 82 93