The final ballot in the French Assembly, on Thursday, for
the one more representative to fill up the number of twenty-five in the Committee of Permanence, resulted in the success of the Moderates over the combined Legitimists and Republicans—some of the Legitimists wavering ; but the vote was only 262 to 240.
A telegraphic despatch from Hamburg, through Berlin, states that the Danes attacked the Schleswig-Holstein line on the 24th instant, at Celle- rap and at the Helligbek, and brought on a sharp engagement, which lasted eight hours ; but General Willisen maintained his position. The loss on each side was "considerable " ; that of the Germans is stated at 150 men killed and wounded—the proportion of killed being very small. Seven Danish prisoners are mentioned. This we must remember is the German version ; it is added "a general engagement is expected today."
The Austrian Cabinet issued circulars on the 19th instant, summoning a General Assembly of the Confederation at Frankfort.
A letter from Constantinople, of the 9th, states that M. de Lamartine and his two companions, MM. Champeaux and Chamboran, had been graciously received by the Sultan. The same letter states that the Otto- man Porte has notified to the refugees at Schumla, that such of them as may be willing to emigrate to America will receive passports and a sum of 1,000 piastres (about 270 francs) in aid of their journey, but that those who wish to remain must not expect any more pecuniary assistance from the Government.