27 JULY 1861, Page 10


On the 19th inst., at 48, Ebury-street, the wife of the Hon. C. W. Warner, C.B.

H.R.'s Attorney-General, Trinidad, of a son.

On the 22nd inst., the Hon. Mrs. Algernon Moreton, of a son. MARRIAGES.

On the 20th inst., at Marylebone Church, by the Rev. Charles Eyre, William Wy-

brow Robertson, youngest son of the late Major-General Robertson, to Alice Mary,

daughter of the Right Ron. Thomas Milner Gibson;M.P. On the 20th inst., at St. John's, Richmond, by the Rev. J. A. Ross, M.A., vicar of

Westwell, Claude Edward Scott, Esq., of the 7th Dragoon Guards, eldest son of Sir Claude Scott, Bart., to Maria Selena, second daughter of H. C. Burney, Esq., LL.D., of Richmond, and granddaughter of the late Admiral Searle, C.D.


On the 22nd inst., at her residence, GreenPark, Rostrevor, Ireland, Juliana,

Countess of Delmore, aged seventy-seven.

On the 23rd inst., at Tanbridge Court, Godatone, Sir James Cosmo K.C.B., in the seventieth year of his age.