CRYSTAL PALACE--Return for six days, ending Friday, July 26, of
the number admitted, including season ticket holders, 56,402. A MUCH and deservedly esteemed actress, Mrs. Stirling, has recently sustained a heavy, and, in some respects, irreparable loss. She has been robbed of almost every article of her personal jewellery, the value of which was large, while the loss to her is enhanced by the fact of many of them having been gifts. Under these circumstances, it appears to some of Mrs. Stirling's friends and admirers, that they may, without impropriety or intrusion, take measures for repairing, as far as it can be repaired, the loss sustained, and at the same time mark their regard for this accomplished artiste. It is believed that many will be glad of this opportunity of replacing the ornaments lost by Mrs. Stirling, and at the same time showing the regard felt for one whose talents have given them so much pleasure. For this purpose Messrs. Toni Taylor, Charles Manby, and Mark Lemon have formed themselves into a committee; and subscriptions will be received by Mr. Sams, of Si.. James's-street, who has kindly consented to act as treasurer.