THE demand for money this week has been on a very moderate scale, and the rate in the open market has fallen in consequence. Towards the afternoon, however, there was rather an increased inquiry. At the Bank the applications have been confined to old customers, who make a rule of never going elsewhere, whatever difference there may be be. tween the rates at the Bank and Lombard-street. On the Stock Ex- change, loans on Government Securities are obtained at 44 .er cent. The tenders for the Victoria Railway Loan, of 1,000,11 were opened yesterday, when it was found that the total subscribed at, and above 105f, the fixed minimum, was 231,500/. only. The time for receiving subscriptions was then extended until this afternoon, when further bids were sent in, making the aggregate applied for 1,210,0001. Some of the lowest of to-day's tenders will consequently receive only apro rata allotment. The old bonds were last quoted 1051 to 106. Consols have not materially varied during the week, and this evening were quoted nearly the same as last Friday. Indian Scrip has re- lapsed- to 991 to 100, owing to the authority taken by the Indian Government to raise, if necessary, a further sum of 5,000,000/. for railway purposes.
The deahngs in foreign stocks have been unimportant, and the principal fluctuations have again been in Turkish Six per Cents. of 1858, in which a further advance has taken place. Mexican remains without change. Russian descriptions were slightly firmer.
The shipments of gold to America continue to diminish. On the other hand, four Australian gold ships have arrived, bringing an aggregate of 438,0001., nearly the whole of which will probably go into the Bank. The total sent there yesterday and to-day was about 300,0001. Consols for Account, 90; India Five per Cents, 991, 99f ; Bra- zilian Five per Cents., 98f, 99f Mexican, 22f 22f/ ; Spanish, 481, 49; Russian Three per Cents, 645 61.1; Turkisfi. Six per Cents, 1858, 67/, 671; London and North-Western, 931, 93f ; Midland, 1211, 122; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 1111, 1111; Great Western, 70/, 701; South Western, 951, 961; South-Eastern, 80f, 81; Great Northern, 108, 109; Caledonian, 99i, 100; Eastern Counties, 49, 50; Graa Trunk of Canada, 181, 19; East-Indian, 98i, 99; Lombardo-Ve- netian, 1 dis. par. ; Illinois Central, 37, 36 dis.