27 JULY 1861, Page 10


A despatch received here from Constantinople, dated the 25th inst., announces that the Sultan continues to effect reforms. It is proposed to purify the personnel of the Mushirs (or Medrossalis), and to diminish their privileges and salaries. The Council of Justice has been purged and reorganized.

On the occasion of some religious ceremony which the Sultan's son went through, Namick Pasha made a speech, which produced a good effect.

The rations allowed to civil functionaries have been stopped. In consequence of a complaint from the French Embassy, the Levant Herald has been suspended for two months. The state of financial affairs was improving.

According to advices from Mexico, Juarez had been elected President. His • reactionary advisers were triumphant. A state of siege has been proclaimed. General Degallado was dead. The Spanish journals state that perfect tranquillity prevails in San Domingo. The Petrie ot this evening says: "It is said that the Emperor, on leaving 'Vichy, will proceed direct to Chalons."

SHANGHAE, JUNE 2. Affairs are tranquil in Pekin and Japan. At Tien-tsin trade is progressing. According to the latest accounts Illakesley's overland party were 1203 miles

'from Sbanghae.

The natives are returning to Ilankow, and trade is being resumed.

CALCUTTA, .7uxa 22. Better aocounts continue to be received from the famine districts.

SINGAPORE, JUNE 21. The Ilwe Press states that a "seaquake" has caused great devastation on the is/and of Simo 778 persons perished.


A Bourbon committee, presided over by M. Cienatempo, has been discovered at Posilippo. Letters and registers containing the names of the confederation and a large sum of money have been seized. The Monsignor° and five accom- plices have been arrested. The Naples journals affirm that the news from Calabria is serious.


The news is confirmed that General Cialdini has ordered the troops to shoot only those insurgents who are taken with arms in their hands.