The fish poachers have appealed to science for help, and
threaten to become too clever for the law. It appears that they have discovered the use of dynamite, one of the most powerful of all the new explosives. AI. J. D. Dougall writes to the Times to say that
oz. of this preparation let down into the water in a common poinatutn-bottle and exploded will kill all the fish for hundreds of yards without injuring their appearance or fitness for food. He intends to try it for catching station in Labrador, and thinks it might be useful in sea-fishing—it certainly would in the whale fishery—but dreads its employment by the poachers. One of these days we shall hear a good deal more about dynamite as an agent in the noble art of killing by method, and Parliament will do wisely to legislate about its manufacture, before it gets into the hands of the criminal classes.