In the House of Commons on Thursday the Irish Intermediate
Education Bill passed through Committee, an amendment by Mr. Courtney to exclude the payment of reaulto-fees,—the only Tart of the measure which encourages general education, and not merely the education of clever boys—being defeated by 165 to 47. A narrow-minded amendment of Mr. Jenkins's—courageously resisted by Mr. Fawcett, —proposing to exclude clerics of all de- nominations from the new Intermediate School Board of Educa- tion, was also resisted and withdrawn ; and Mr. Lowther moved the addition of words permitting the application of the benefit of the Act, "as far as conveniently may be," to the education of girls, which were accepted. We do not quite know what the qualifica- tion "as far as conveniently may be "may mean. Nothing surely can be more convenient than the equality of girls and boys in reference to the opportunities of general education.