Edited by Dr. M. Epstein
The Statesman's Year Book (Macmillan, 20s.), which this year celebrates its seventieth birthday, needs no commendation at this date. At the same time it is impossible to resist remark-- ing once more on the debt of gratitude which everyone owes to its editor, Dr. M. Epstein. How Dr. Epstein manages to make The Statesman's Year- Book-at once so comprehensive and so compact is a mntter_ for repeqted ,wonder.,. Its, value as a reference book increases. each year as the political and economic structure of theworld becomes more cod Alex, and there is no other compilation which can approach it for the detail and accuracy of the statistical and historical survey which it provides.zAlmost alone of contemporary productions it merits the much employed. term " indispensable.' To the editorial skill of Dr: Epstein is also due the admirable con- spectu.s of 1933 which is provided by The Annual Register (Longmans, 30s.). In slightly more than 300 pages the significant events in British and foreign affairs are chronicled and discussed, while the second part of the volume contains the customary retrospective reviews of Literature, Art, Science, Finance, Commerce and Law—all of them concisely and excellently done. - Between them these two reference books -combine an amount of information --which cannot `be found in a dozennther-lCSS iiiell:ptaiinetr werks put together.--