Sta,—The Report of the Commission appointed by the Church of
England " Towards the Conversion of England," which deals with the question of Evangelism by Advertising, leaves the question of what shall be advertised for future consideration. But the Report itself suggests the fundamental needs of today.
It reminds us that the Minister of Health recently referred to the " widespread moral collapse "; and the Report definitely states that " there is no longer a generally accepted moral standard by which men judge their own actions." There is a widespread falling away from the Christian faith, and people are living materialistic lives without any thought of the spiritual life. Therefore, the first steps in advertising should be to emphasise the fundamental fact that man's destiny is spiritual, and not material ; and that our life and actions here have an intimate relation to the life hereafter. Preliminary advertising on those lines need have no reference to sectarian doctrines nor, as the Rev. W. E. Sangster suggests,