Trent Bridge to Baker * Street SIR,—Mr. Mallalieu's arrival at Euston
from Nottingham should not have disturbed your correspondent Mr. W. Herbert Spencer. After his murder of the Trent Bridge groundsman Mr. Mallalieu also had his Final Problem, and his evasive journey from Nottingham to Euston (presum- ably via Market Harborough and Northampton) was in its way no more unreasonable than Holmes's from Victotic‘ to Newhaven via Caoterbury. Even a Lestrade might have been expected on the arrival platform at St. Pancras or Marylebone.
I have not, incidentally, seen the report of the inquest on the grounds- man and should like to be assured that, in spite of Mr. Mallalieu's reference to "murder," the verdict returned was in fact one of