.Cold Dominion War
The continued long-range exchanges of mutual accusation between. India and Pakistan are not calculated to lessen the tension between the two countries. The tension is now not primarily concerned with Kashmir ; it has brought into the open all the psychological antipathies which had-Ilienated the Hindu and Moslem communities of the Indian peninsula for many years before the two Dominions came into existence. To remove the basis for these antipathies more than protestations of a love of peace are required. And on the Indian side such protestations are the only peaceful gesture that is offered. Pakistan, on the other band, is still willing to see at any rate the Kashmir issue settled by arbitration by the United Nations or, -which comes to the same thing, by a plebiscite conducted from beginning to end through the machinery of the United Nations. Mr. Nehru, even in his most 'pacific statements, continues to beg the question by assuming that the State of Kashmir is a part of India. It bard to believe that he cannot realise that such an . assumption nullifies in Pakistani eyes any merit there is in his general assertions in favour of peace.