Coalition prospects
Sir: The result of the last general election, and many public expressions of opinion since, have shown that the powerr-sharing which we have been strongly pressing on Ulster would be welcomed by a high proportion of our own population. After all power-sharing is simply a national or coalition government differently expressed.
Mr Heath has shown that under certain conditions he would not be averse to power-sharing. Mr Wilson has rejected it outright. Very well then, let Mr Heath publicly announce that if the Conservatives win the next election he will offer the other parties seats and offices in the Government pro-rota with the number of members they have and this principle would operate throughout the life of the next Parliament. If the other parties did not accept this invitation that would be their own affair but let them beware of the displeasure their voters would show at the following election.
In our desperate economic state the country must be put before any party and this would be a simple and effective way of doing it. There would be no better way of finding out what the country wanted and it would involve no change in our constitution.
David Anderson Braehead, Helensburgh, Dunbartonshire