Sir: Although I am a young Conservative I find Mr
Peyton's posture as a freedom-loving patriot extremely nauseating. To quote but two examples .of his actions while a Minister which belie his words: the imposition of compelling motor-cyclists to wear crash helmets is the antithesis of freedom of choice and individual responsibility (no doubt we shall all be compelled to use safety belts if the man attains office again) and his support of the Conservative Government's policy of joining the Common Market without giving the electorate the opportunity of expressing its consent (or dissent) is the negation of the democratic system he tells us is in danger of collapsing. Such actions, coupled with cynically voting themselves an increase in salary during an economic crisis (did Mr Peyton refuse to support that motion?) bring politicians into disrepute and a mistrust of them is the inevitable result, P.S. The sooner Mr Heath resigns the sooner our party can begin to recover its lost supporters.
Anthony Parker 87 Beaufort Mansions, Beaufort Street, London SW3