Blow job
Sir: I beg to differ with Sir Nicholas Fairbairn's panacea for the overpopulated Third World (Another voice', 18 May). I may add that his proposal to spend £167 million on condoms is shared by a number of our friends to whom my wife and I appealed for funds to alleviate the plight of those suffering from the effects of the recent cyclone here in Bangladesh. In the short term, condoms will not help those struggling to rebuild their lives without loved ones, homes, cattle, crops or clo- thing. In the long term, the issue of condoms alone is not enough — it must be part of a general educational programme. How essential this is was vividly illustrated to us this week. Whilst visiting Sonargaon, the ancient Mughal capital, we were, as usual, quickly surrounded by a mass of smiling cheerful children. It was only the sharp eye of my Oxford undergraduate godson which spotted that they were not balloons which they were blowing with such gusto and evident delight. We just wondered which international family plan- ning organisation had provided the where- withal for such fun.
Christopher Wolverson
British Military Advisory Team, Bangladesh, do FCO (Dhaka), King Charles Street, London SW1