27 JUNE 1829, Page 13


OXFORD, June 23.—The following subjects are proposed for the Chancellor's prizes for the ensuing year:—Viz. For Latin verse—" Tyrus." For an English Essay—. The character of Socrates, as described by his disciples Xenophon and Plato, under the dif- ferent points of view in which it is contemplated by each of them." For a Latin Essay —" An apud Gnaws ant apud Romanos magis exculta ftterit civilis Scientia."—Sir Roger Newdigate'p prise, for the beet cornposition in English um, not limited WA/ lines, by any under-graduate who, on the day above specified, shall not have exceeded four years from the time of his matriculation—" The African Desert." June 25.—This day the following degrees were conferred. Bachelor in Divinity—Rev. E. Jacob. late Fellow of Corpus, President of King's College. New Brunswick. Bachelor in Medicine ;with License to practice)—T. Davidson, Worcester. Masters of Arts—D. V. Duren, Christ Church, Grand Compounder; Rev. 1). S. Stone, Exeter, Grand Com- pounder; J. Aldridge, Christ Church ; W. Hodgson, Queen's; Rev. T. Nixon' Lincoln; Rev. J. A. Gower, Chaplain of Magdalen; H. E. Freyer, Pembroke ; P. S. Carey, St. John's: Rev. W. 1). Johnston, St. John's; Rev. P. J. Ferrero, Oriel; ltev. R. Kilvert, Oriel. Bachelors of Arts—W. Gray, Magdalen, Grand Compounder ; C. Sergeaunt, Bra-

sennose, Grand Compounder ; II. \V. Wiseman, Bellied, Grand Compounder ; A. Mur-

ray, Magdalen Hall; 3. Procter, Brasennose; W. C. Davies, Jesus; J. H. Barker, Christ Church ; It. W. P. Davies, Worcester; T. S. Lightfoot, Exeter; H. U. Way, E. C. Brown, Postmasters of 'Merton ; J. II. Ensell, Queen's ; H. B. Snooke, Pembroke; W. Nicholson, Trinity. In a Convocation holden this day, the most Hon. the Marquis of Bute, M.A. of Christ's College, Cambridge, was admitted, ad eundenr.

CA5IRRIDGE, June 26.—Sir William Browne's three utedala for the present year have been awarded as follows. Greek Ode—Charles 'hum Kennedy, Trinity College. Latin Ode—Epigrams—Charles Blerivale, St. John's College.—The following are the re- spective subjects. Greek Ode—" Wee" Araccia o-rer sin lea1 rawme" Latin Ode- " Caesar, consecutus coliortes ad Ruhiconem finmen, qtti provincite ejus finis erat, lum conetitit." Greek Epigram—. trzgeer -i)roarra'a-." Latin Epigram—" Splentlidh. mendax."—The members' prizes of fifteen guineas eaCII, to two Bachelors of Arts, for the encouragement of Latin prose composition, were on Saturday last adjudged to 0. Lane,shate, of St. John's College—Subject, "aim mit:indent sit posthac fore ut gentes, Meridionales sub Septentrionalium viritms iterum succumbant ? Under Graduates—NG prize adjudged.