,1 •
.aeoed since this journal first directed attention to the (jinn now on the point of being tried in South Australia. tee. embodied in an .Ict of Parliament during the last ses- . he • • ore of tin' dismissal of the Meneot•es;t: Mini-try,
: • r: ter carry,og the Act into vino!: were imt appointed Th, y hnet: issued their Regulations fur the disposal of ee:S:,-rat'en labourers ; ninth announet• (see advet tisement em-r, the Celoniel Commissioner, and other oflieers, will ti,,
; tally inn September. We have seen at copy of
e:: ti':., ro tains of the Atstralian .-1et, have lice -vent to have been framed with a due tegerd !es lithe ne:,.airs, and ere accompanied by a r•le:n• (Apia- 11 1,:•,,...S,1en. It tow be sect whieh sort of t olony peeot ty prelm.,— one iii which no care is t.i'ueti to dorenereting into the prim-Jive state of er env for ehich every precaution has been far, t. Sth a tidy to maintaining the comforts and habits tit- `St uth Au-tralian Commissioliers should !mo- re/ i t:. hat e begue, this colony trill, to use the words of Arch- "fairly represent English society; and every new coo, 1: ..'ti lo ye 1::s OM, class to fall into; and to whatever class he Leb•n: i:r trial feal its relation to the others, and the support derived from ilia whets, emelt time same as in the parent country.- The ex- Leb•n: i:r trial feal its relation to the others, and the support derived from ilia whets, emelt time same as in the parent country.- The ex- pel-Me nto-t itttere,ting, for those at least who can take an in- ter: o S:1 y, hat does net immedietely concern them ; since, if it should sec; r a, it ciemot but produce, by the way of example, It revolution in our f :oi,m;e1 by opening new fields for the employment of British capital and labour, consequeures of the greatest value to the 'Mother Co:mtry. Rut at present, what is called the public will not care much about this melertaking. If the founders of the colony desire endear npplause, they must wait for that which alone is proof of merit with the velgar,—a successful result. Meanwhile, the enterprise offers peculiar attractions to limn with some property and large families, who yee, tate in discontent fur want of an occupation in which to exert themselves with profit and honour. Never, itt our country, was this class so numerous as at the present time. Canada, with its scarcity of labourers, and even of domestic servants, is not a place to suit them ; nor is New South Wales, with its sweepings of our prisons. Let them lean what South Australia promises to be."
= 1, -a :emote Mora:Ilion is contained in two work: jn-t Pt!' li.hed, Fno' of Soulli by 0,1m11.1 TonREN-: /,'!‘ r a neS114/ qt..; of th.• 'o,itery, tho Art and lie,4titatiotiA.