The Agricultural and Commersial Bank of I /ublin has stopped pay went; but according to a published statement, their surplus assets amount to 2011,300/.
Mr. O'Connell has written another letter to the Secretary of the Na- tional Association, assuring them that mit withstanding Lord Stanley's defeat on Lord Mm-petles motion, they are not yet "out of the Wood.' Mr. O'Connell praises Sheil's "splendid speech.' which be says made the "Scorpion" wince.
The Newry Th !awl& announces the death of the Reverend Lord. Edward Chichester, Rector of ]Gilmore, one (if the richest livings in the gift of the Lord Priniete. Dr. lleresford.
Government has reed to advance a loan of 30,00e/. to the Ulster Railway Compatly : anon the works now in progress to open the line from Lisburn to Pertstlown, a distance of seventeen miles, are progress-- tug with spirit and celciity.--G/ote.
In the Dublin ('unit of Queen's Bench, um Wednesday, Richard Jones, a Ribbomnan, was foetid of belonging to au illegal society. 'Phis was the first conviction under 1111 act passed last session for the sup- pression of secret societies. That to which Jones belonged had exten- sive ramifications muting the lower (-kisses, and was well organized. One of the witnesses coolly confessed his own connexion with several murders and outrages committed by Ilibbonmen,