27 JUNE 1840, Page 12


-rebut—At (lravera.litl, .lit,'' 2211, Ilmoinvis, \Yeller, from New South \l'ales; 241h, ('hurl,':. (hunt. ri.”111 Courol, ,aniphell, from Singapore; and Lord Ly ell, si,o1, Iron: 11, ( I'. At :24111. Auriga, lt,sy,; and Cynet. 1)alston, from Vail I laud; ::5;11, )I. S. 1.:;phinstche, Jody, non, Bengal; and Abbots- , ,L II In Offfttle.nnit,t.511,, lItthertbnit. rim Ceylon. At ilia, 1. 21,4, Ft. 1;c1,4;,., 1Vihlmma, Yuan Reatauf, Al V. Helena, 1% lay fill, Jane Cr, m tsiiigopore; Eth Pentreath, from Lundell; 10111, Sir B. feoess C:1111101,1'11, 4,111 Ismuloy ; 111h, Thames, Nlargois, fr, lit ; !Slurping Star, Lintin ; mot Symmetry. Nhwho out!, from Ceylon; 12th, Itole,bire, Conte, front Bengal ; 0Ith. ti, nierbe'shire, Jach,on, from (lino; .1oltu Nhil,h, I lass kins, Cron China; Planet, Th,:nopson; and A tgra, Reed, Ile lit Itionritins, At Volt Ihenten's Land, (Iolontbia, AVakeinall. loon Liverpool ; and Brankeinnom, Smith, front Loudon. At New Smith Waie, Feb. 11111, Druniniere, Nlyhte, from Liverpool ; Lard Eldon, Worrall, from Louden ; soil Crescent, Itohl'e, re in Istobron; 14th, Enreies parley; and Transfer, Tram, turn,, Louden ; utua.tth, 'Ivory Poreller, fumn 1.iN (Treat. Sailed—From Liverpool, Juno 21st, Jolimo'-thoint, Robinson, Or China; 24th, Ann, Salke1d, for Itumbay ; and calettonia, !Awash for Bengal. Arrived—lo the Dooms, JaIll' Brown, Wyllie, from Singap.ert8..ATUIIPAY 111OHNING.