Mr. Wilson, the voealist, arrived in the British Queen front
New York, after a career of at terrupted professional success in the United
States and the Canadas. Wilson returns in must vigorous health and excellent voice.
By the Governor Maclean, Morley, in the London Docks, front Cape Coast Castle and Sierra Leouc, a very tine young lioness has arrived, sent front Coomassie as a present to her Majesty, front the King of the Ashantees ; which the Queen has direct, ,1 to he added to the splendid collection of animals in the Regent's Park Zoological Gardens.
Upwards of 7,000/. have been subscribed by wealthy Hebrews towards defray ing the expense of a mission, which Sir 31oses 2,Iontefiore has undertaken, to A lexando is, 11w the purpose at' aiding and protecting the persecuted Jews of I) ti
Mr. Coleehoun, an English gentleeisn, and two officers of the Dido, now statien,sl in the Pe -pletrus, have In.,11 grossly maletreated by the Turkish t:Ichttritie:: at Eski 13 ahi, near Adrianople. These gentlemen, after a flaiguing ride, went lst:la in the river, in a most retired spot, a great dist:thee from nay hal:hat:0o : there they were surprised by the Aga and other Turkish onthorities, who heat them most cruelly, and attempted to put them in the stocks--first trampling on the finnan with which those gentlemen were arovided. Fortuoately for our country- men, a Greek interfered in their behalf, and induced the Aga to desist, by oxpw lug to him the illeoePty of his proceedings. The affair has been placed in the lianas of Lard Pooronhy.
The Pope is said to have said tits Lacwoon and the Apollo Belvidere to the Emperor of a ussia for nine millions of francs.