27 JUNE 1840, Page 12


wsnowrwo, .tone. Begt. of Drag. Guards—Lieut. J. II. Gray, from the 15t1c Light Drags. to ke bleat. Viet. KelM11, W110 exchanges. 7th brag. Guards—Ident.W. S. Greene, from haMpay 6101 Foot. to be IStsmaster, vice N. Armstrong, who retires upon ball'-pay. lout Light Drags.— Lieut. W. Armstrong, from the 6th Drags, to be Capt. without purchase, vies Reales, dec. 11th Light Drilgs.—Capt.J. C. W. Vivian, frith the 2011t Foot, to litt Capt. vice J. TO1111111.1011, 1010 retires upon half-pay mutt- belied. 15th Light 1)rags---Ident. II. lieum), from the lot item. Guards. .o he Lieut. vice Gray. who exchanges. 1st or Ilrenadier 17..0 Guard; --Assist...Sorg. G. lirowli to be Baltalion-sarg. vie,. John, promoted; C. Nit' 11. 11001. to tie Anoini.•14111%.1. Rrown.• 2oill Foot-(:apt. 11. llosne, from half.pay unattached, to be• Capt. Best Vivian, appointed to the nth Light Drags.; 1.ieut. I,ord M. Kerr, to be Capt. by por. chase, vire w Ito fellers; Ett-i_tn II. W. Arasters rug to he Licht. by paretrt,o, vice Lord NI. Kerr; S. 'I'. Witham.. Gout. to he Ithishnt by imreltase, vie,. Master...mt. '26th Font • C. II. Illy:. (sight. to be hu.iGn, by )titrelia.ie, vire Anderson. appoint _ meat Itss been eau...Med. Foot-- rseut. llutiltory. from the tihra root, 10 10, 1,10111. vice LOV0, who 01101allge1i. 60111 Foot-.1.1010. E. NI. Lnyr, from to Le Lieut. yiet• htlitriy, who exchanges. 6.1th h'ool.. .i.41t the I hut. Velretton, to be 1.iemenant, w.thoul purchase, vire C011111S1/11.11100211:0•11; ■ontIonia,t Arehltald Tindall. trom ii.yal M:litary College. to be Ensign. N ie., YON 00011. 71.:.11.;ot-i.10111. Elope to bit A.Ilt. the 1 ot, It Ito resign, the 14;ot unit'. 7.111i Fn. t-Licitt Wakb to Ite t• rice Pal:,-r, \silo resigns the A.1.10 1,1,•V only. 75th Ft ot-•l'apt. A. A. from loll'-par unattart.til. to I... Capt. Tire W. Sill■mt, who rxrhaW_rs' I,100t. i..10,1,1 to br Cont. by porelta,. virr Itriviie, who siaiss; F.11.44.1 II. !ii• Lieut. by purehits.., Nice Ltteas; C. :Nlachen, Gem. to Lost::11, lr tart-113,•. tiro Coo.1,,;11. Lo•rn,calit. it. 1/0.110. „f 1l,, 21,th 1,o..t, to he NIMMr in the Army. I1.,:ei!al sbof Pair' Niealsmt D. ion the [)rags. lit be to the ■1;.iiii,1 to I', (4. tio,tior Memorandum. -Tim e1 of 1:1,:p_91 I". If tonhell. of the alttlt Foot. ban Lien• ieminey in the 1 -1. 1V,...1 Italia llogt. mat the imporatinent III.. II. V. Mundell to lir, IN '_nay in the cothlt is succession. as stntml in the me ante 1; lb of April 1840, aro eammi: 'VI, ...al moo of the F.tti II appuiutad I., tint -15th F, ht. ant the 19th te..tio.,• IS at, i-. li t. 1,4 1301,0, OYFI,17 (120.,..INcE, .11w t.5. -Royal Ar,'.:1,ry (1.14 F. 1., he vies A. \\*tight. retired on fall pay; I,irst J. I:. I to b..

tic' \rata, t Set'ond Lient• Ktity.; to 110 i'tr,t. vi,e I ; . NV.

11. Ingillty to 10. C;1111. tilt:lip:mt. retir.td ; to lr 1.,..0.1:1,1 Capt. V1•07 loe;111.1y; Seem1.1 1.letit. C. IV. 1.•mugltramaml to Int font