site Aitletropolis.
A Common Hall was held on Wednesday for the election of Sheriffs for the ensuing year. The candidates were Aldermen Gibbs and Magnay, Mr. Farneombe and Mr. Galloway. The show of hands was in favour of Gibbs and Galloway, and a poll was demanded for the other candidates. It commenced on the same afternoon, and must, according to the City usage, be kept open for eight days. At the close of the first day, however, it was clear that the two Tories, Gibbs and Farncombe, would be elected ; the votes given for Galloway and Mag- nay being very few.
Fifteen electors of Marylebone having required from Sir Benjamin Hall an explanation of his remarks on the mode of opposition to Lord Stanley's Bill adopted by the Irish Members, and having also requested a statement of his intentions respecting the future progress of that bill, Sir Benjamin sent them a reply, to the effect that he disapproved of using the forms of the House merely to obstruct public business ; and that, whilst he would not join in any factious opposition to any measure, he would meet Lord Stanley's " Bill of Disfranchisement' with un- ceasing but fair opposition : and lie added, that had other Liberal Mem- bers been as regular in attendance as himself, the bill would Dever have reached the Committee.
The General Court of the Mercers Company met on Saturday morn- ing, to receive the report of the Gresham Committee on the points upon which they Ilvd previously desired lull Tmation. The Mercer's side of the Gresham Committee replied to these inquiries, and joined unani- mously in is recommendation of Mr. 'l'ite's plan. This recommenda- tion was adopted by the General Court by a very large majority.
A subscription has been set on foot in the City to purchase a testi- monial of' respect to Messrs. Evans and Wheelton, the Sheriffs.
Mr. John Vickers', the well-known Police-officer, died suddenly in a fit of apoplexy, on Thursday week,