SIR,—May I ask your correspondents "C. J. II." and "E. S." to give the length and breadth of each bed-room in the cottages they speak of, and the lowest height of the walls of each from floor to ceiling ? I have examined many plans of cottages to cost about £100 each, and have invariably found that two of the three so- called bed-rooms are mere closets of about 6 ft. by 9 ft. ; and that with a height of 7 ft. or 8 ft. in the centre of the room, the height of the walls is only 5 ft., or even less, the rooms in fact being miserable attics in the roof. There are many other considerations — of the strength and quality of the materials and work—which greatly affect the price, but the amount of accommodation is the first thing to be looked at.—I am, Sir, &c., A.