27 JUNE 1914, Page 10


The Life of Henry J. Pope, by his Son (5s. net); The Life of Thomas Bowman Stephenson, by William Bradfield (5s. net); Love and Life : the Story of J. Denholm Brash, by his Son (29. 6d. net). (C. H. Kelly.)—Sister Henrietta, by Dowager Lady Loch and Miss Stockdale. (Longmans and Co. 2e. 6d. net.)—These four volumes of religious biography all testify, in their several ways, to self-sacrificing and arduous work done for the glory of God and in the service of man. Dr, Henry Pope and Dr. Bowman Stephenson were eminent Wesleyan Methodist divines, each of whom had the honour of presiding over the Annual Conference. Mr. Brash was a" God- intoxicated man," an impassioned mystic in a minister's coat,

who found in Methodism the flame and warmth which hia eager soul desired. Miss Henrietta Stockdale gave her life to mission work in South Africa, where she brought healing and inspiration to all who knew her.