27 JUNE 1914, Page 41


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The Portuguese Amnesty. By the Earl of Lytton. (L. Tfpcott Gill and Son. 6d.)—This pamphlet contains a reprint of the searching criticism of the Portuguese Amnesty Bill which Lord Lytton published in the daily Press last March. In a brief preface he points out that the Portuguese Govern- ment still keeps up the feeling of unrest and bitterness by persisting in the abhorred Courts-Martial—and we may note that the notorious Costa Gonsalves, who was justly censured by the Supreme Court for his gross "abuse of authority," still continues to act as Judge-Auditor at these irregular tribunals. Miss E. M. Teniaon appends an historical account of the British protest against the barbarous treatment of the Portuguese political prisoners during the last two years, and a report of the speeches at the meeting in London on February 6th, 1914. We have every sympathy with the brave crusade of Miss Tenison and her colleagues in their insistence that the elementary principles of justice and humanity should be enforced in Lisbon. We are glad to note, as evidence that Portugal still contains the seeds of greatness, Miss Tenison's remark that, " while the tyranny of the Lisbon

Government has produced in England the worst possible impression, on the other hand the resolute fidelity and brave, uncompromising spirit of the political prisoners have won admiration and respect as well as sympathy and warm com- passion—the courage of these victims of persecution being worthy of the finest traditions of the Portuguese nation."