HOSPITAL SUNDAY: JUNE 28 [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
Sllt,—Will you allow me to remind your readers that this annual event occurs for the fifty-third time next Sunday ? Since its inception in 1872 the Hospital Sunday Fund has collected and distributed among the Hospitals of London a sum of £2,932,349 at a cost of under 4 per cent. There is greater need for the work of the fund to-day than at any time in its history, and I plead for a generous response to the appeal which will be made next Sunday from over two thousand pulpits in the Metropolis. I would ask those who may not be able to attend their place of worship next Sunday to send what they can to me at the Mansion House, and I will see that it is suitably a :knowledged.—I am, Sir, &c., ALFRED BOWER (Lord Mayor, President and Treasurer).
The Mansion House, London, E.C. 4.