THE Shakespeare Association, extending its activities, issues
this handsome volume in celebration of the First Folio Tercentenary. It is an important addition to Shakespearean inquiries, and forms the first extended monument to the new orientation given by Professor A. W. Pollard to bibliographical research, and by Mr.W. J. Lawrence to theatrical investigation. The main article is Mr. M. H. Spielmann's masterly analysis " of Shakespeare's portraits, supported by some fifty valuable photographs. Mr. Crompton Rhodes deals with the light thrown by the First Folio on the staging of Shakespeare's plays, and Mr. W. W. Greg contributes a penetrating and pioneer survey of the conditions of publishing in the early seventeenth century. So much minute and empirical work is being done nowadays on the text of Shakespeare that we ' welcome these clarifying cross-sections by eminent scholars whose special studies are placed in correct perspective by the comprehensive and illuminating introduction by Sir Israel Gollanez.