We are delighted to hear that a large party of
South African farmers are again visiting Great Britain. Pre- sumably they have not come to learn what to avoid in a country which has been said (and denied) to be the worst farmed in Europe, and they will certainly see at the King's Farms at Windsor and at the Royal Show at Chester specimens of the finest stock in the world, from which, no doubt, the blood of some of their own herds is drawn. Their chief surprise will probably be to see our small fields and lovely hedgerow elms, dripping on the soil and keeping the sunlight from it, while their roots take the good from beneath. If there are any Dutch among them, they will have been touched to read in our papers on their arrival the account of the Prince of Wales unostentatiously laying a wreath on the grave of his eountry's former enemy and their old leader, Paul Kruger. * *