27 JUNE 1987, Page 57

Using This Index

Arrangment of entries Entries are arranged in letter-by-letter alphabetical order, i.e. spaces between words are ignored. Thus the entry 'Interior Landscapes' precedes 'In the shed'. Abbreviations are indexed as written (i.e. 'Mr' follows all `Mo-' entries and preceeds all 'Mu-' entries) with two exceptions: 'St' is indexed as if spelt out as 'Saint', and 'Mac' and its variations are all treated as if spelt 'Mac'.

Use of italics Entries in italics are titles — either of articles in the Spectator or of books, magazines and newspaper or of plays, films, operas, ballets, exhibitions etc reviewed or mentioned.

Page references are in the form: (Day) (Month) (Page), i.e. date of issue followed by page number, Thus '14 Feb 30' means '14 February issue, page 30'. Where a subject occurs more than once in an issue, the reference may appear thus: '11 Apr 4(PW), 5(N)'.

The nature of contributions is indicated by the letter or letters which follow the page reference. Thus '14 Mar 32(R)' refers the reader to a book review appearing in the 14 March issue on page 32. Where successive references in a list are to the same type of contribution the distinguishing letter may be inserted after the last of them only. Thus the entries '28 Feb 28, 4 Apr 26, 30 May 21(L)' all refer to letters. A list of the distinguishing letters used is printed at the head of this index.

All leading and 'middle' articles are indexed by title, as are all books (under author and title), plays, films, operas etc which are either specifically reviewed or mentioned at length. In addition, contributions are indexed under the subjects they deal with, usually with a brief indication of their main contents.

In order to save space and to group together references on similar subjects, a number of general headings such as 'Children', 'Education', 'Economic' and 'Parliament' are used, as well as the names of countries and organisations. References which there is no room to index separately can often be traced from entries under these general headings.

Issue Numbers


8269 Date 3 January No.

8282 Date 4 April 8270


10 8283 11 " 8271 17 8284 18 " 8272

24 77

8285 25 " 8273

31 71

8286 2 May 8274 7 February 8287

9 77


14 77

8288 16 " 8276 21 8289 23 " 8277

28 77

8290 30 " 8278 7 March 8291 6 June 8279 14 8282 13 " 8280

21 77

8293 20 " 8281

28 )1

8294 27