A convention, similar to that with the Emperor of Russia,
has been concluded with the Bank of France by Queen Maria Christina, under which she- has pur- chased French Stock to the extent of 320,0001. The " agens de change" of Paris engaged in the recent arrangement between the Emperor of Russia and the Bank of France have presented the amount of their commission, 45,000 francs, to the Bureau de Bienfaisance.
Mr. O'Connell arrived in Paris on Wednesday.
The Rhenish Observer announces that Signora Lola Mentes has been created Countess of Stemheim; and that the patent of creation [of " naturalization," ac- cording to another account] is to be presented to her on her birthday.
A letter from Turin, of the 20th instant, reports a great improvement in the health of the King of Sardinia: he had been able to transact public business. The Lisbon mail of the 18th instant, which arrived in town this morning, left Portuguese affairs in stabs quo, without the slightest change.